The Measure of a Man eBook

Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about The Measure of a Man.

The Measure of a Man eBook

Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about The Measure of a Man.

“There was a soft, restful murmur of running water from the little beck by the rose garden, but far above it rose the voice of a man in strong urgent prayer.  It came from the summer-house among the rose-trees, and as I listened, I knew it was your father’s voice.  Then I was frightened.  Perhaps God would not like me to listen to what was only meant for His ear.  I came away from the open window and sat down and waited.

“In a short time your father came to me.  I could see that he had been praying.  I could feel the spirit above the flesh.  A great awe was over him and he was strangely loving and gentle.  ‘Martha,’ he said, ’I am glad you are awake.  I want to tell you something—­something wonderful!’ And I sat down by him, and he clasped my hand and said,

“’I was tired out with figuring and counting, and near midnight I went out to cool and soothe my brain with the night air.  And I suddenly thought of Jacob on his mysterious journey, meeting the angels of God as he slept in the wilderness, and wrestling with one for a blessing.  And with the thought the spirit of prayer came to me, and I knelt down in the summer-house and prayed as I never prayed before in my life.

“’I told God all my perplexities and anxieties.  I asked Him to straighten them out.  I told God that I had bought Ezra’s mill, and I asked Him to be my counselor and helper.  I told Him I knew nothing about buying cotton or spinning cotton.  I told Him it was the loss of everything if I failed.  I promised Him to do my best, and I asked Him to help me to succeed; and, Martha, I solemnly vowed, if He would be with me and do for me, that His poor and His sick and His little children should have their share in every pound I made.  And I swear to you, Martha, that I will keep my word, and if I may speak for my sons and my sons’ sons, they also shall never fail in rendering unto God the thing I have promised.  Remind me of it.  Say to me, “Stephen, the Lord God is thy partner.  Don’t thee defraud Him of one farthing."’ And, my dears, when I promised he kissed me, and my cheeks were wet, and his cheeks were wet, but we were both of us very sure and happy.

“Well, my dear lads, after that your father walked straight forward to his place among the biggest cotton-spinners in England.  People all said, Stephen Hatton was a very philanthropic man.  He was something better.  He was a just and honest man who never lied, who never defrauded the poor because they were poor, and who kept his contract with the Lord his God to the last farthing.  I hope to see his sons and his sons’ sons keep the covenant their father made for them.  I do that.  It would break my heart if they did not!”

Then John rose to his feet, precisely as he would have done if his father had entered the room, and he answered, “Mother, I joined hands with father six years ago on this subject.  I will carry out all he promised if it takes my last penny.  We thought then that Harry was too young to assume such—­”

Project Gutenberg
The Measure of a Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.