The Iliad of Homer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 667 pages of information about The Iliad of Homer.
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The Iliad of Homer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 667 pages of information about The Iliad of Homer.
The messengers advanced (Ulysses first)
Into his presence; at the sight, his harp
Still in his hand, Achilles from his seat
Started astonish’d; nor with less amaze 240
Patroclus also, seeing them, arose. 
Achilles seized their hands, and thus he spake.[8]
Hail friends! ye all are welcome.  Urgent cause
Hath doubtless brought you, whom I dearest hold
(Though angry still) of all Achaia’s host. 245
So saying, he introduced them, and on seats
Placed them with purple arras overspread,
Then thus bespake Patroclus standing nigh. 
Son of Menaetius! bring a beaker more
Capacious, and replenish it with wine 250
Diluted[9] less; then give to each his cup;
For dearer friends than these who now arrive
My roof beneath, or worthier, have I none. 
He ended, and Patroclus quick obey’d,
Whom much he loved.  Achilles, then, himself 255
Advancing near the fire an ample[10] tray,
Spread goats’ flesh on it, with the flesh of sheep
And of a fatted brawn; of each a chine. 
Automedon attending held them fast,
While with sharp steel Achilles from the bone 260
Sliced thin the meat, then pierced it with the spits. 
Meantime the godlike Menaetiades
Kindled fierce fire, and when the flame declined,
Raked wide the embers, laid the meat to roast,
And taking sacred salt from the hearth-side 265
Where it was treasured, shower’d it o’er the feast. 
When all was finish’d, and the board set forth,
Patroclus furnish’d it around with bread
In baskets, and Achilles served the guests. 
Beside the tent-wall, opposite, he sat 270
To the divine Ulysses; first he bade
Patroclus make oblation; he consign’d
The consecrated morsel to the fire,
And each, at once, his savoury mess assail’d. 
When neither edge of hunger now they felt 275
Nor thirsted longer, Ajax with a nod
Made sign to Phoenix, which Ulysses mark’d,
And charging high his cup, drank to his host. 
Health to Achilles! hospitable cheer
And well prepared, we want not at the board 280
Of royal Agamemnon, or at thine,
For both are nobly spread; but dainties now,
Or plenteous boards, are little our concern.[11]
Oh godlike Chief! tremendous ills we sit
Contemplating with fear, doubtful if life 285
Or death, with the destruction of our fleet,
Attend us, unless thou put on thy might. 
For lo! the haughty Trojans, with their friends
Call’d from afar, at the fleet-side encamp,
Fast by the wall, where they have kindled fires 290
Numerous, and threaten that no force of ours
Shall check their purposed inroad on the ships. 
Jove grants them favorable signs from heaven,
Bright lightnings; Hector glares revenge, with rage
Project Gutenberg
The Iliad of Homer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.