The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent.

The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent.

Laing, Mr., M.P. for Orkney, 198-199, 200. 
Land Acts, Wyndham, the, 40, 41, 58, 187-188, 192;
  Ashbourne, the, 41, 264;
  Balfour’s, of 1896, 84;
  Gladstone’s, of 1870, 181, 185-186;
    of 1881, 71, 181-189;
  effects of, 196-200, 274, 282. 
Land League—­
  Church and, 118. 
  Effects of, 199-200, 202, 208. 
  Outrages of, 199, 212-222, 246, 248, 267. 
Le Fanu, Mr. W.R., 77.
——­Mr. Sheridan, 77. 
Leary, Darby, 245. 
Lecky, Mr., 100, 283. 
Leehys, the, feud of, 88. 
Lefevre, Mr. Shaw, Commission of, 269. 
Lehunt, Colonel, 4. 
Leinster, Duchess of, 169. 
Leitrim, Lord, 226. 
Limerick, Mr. Hogg’s school at, 21. 
Lismore, famine fever at, 54;
  agricultural depression in, 193;
  estate of Duke of Devonshire at, 269-270. 
Listowel, crime in, 87, 214. 
Lloyd, Mr. Clifford, 128. 
Lockwood, Mr. Frank, 277. 
Logue, Dr., Archbishop of Armagh, 118. 
Lombard and Murphy, Messrs., 83. 
Londonderry, Marquis of, 168. 
Longfield, Judge, 258. 
Longford, clerical help for Lord Granard in, 118. 
  Abercorn, Duke of, 165. 
  Aberdeen, Earl of, 167-168. 
  Cadogan, Earl of, 169. 
  Carlisle, Earl of, 162-163. 
  Carnarvon, Earl of, 167. 
  Clarendon, Earl of, 163. 
  Cowper, Earl, 166. 
  Dudley, Earl of, 169. 
  Houghton, Lord, 168-169. 
  Kimberley, Earl of, 164. 
  Londonderry, Marquis of, 168. 
  Marlborough, Duke of, 165-166. 
  Spencer, Earl, 166-167. 
  Zetland, Earl of, 168. 
Lower Curryglass, agricultural depression in, 193. 
Lowther, Mr. James, 172, 174, 297. 
Lucy, Mary, letters of, to Mr. Hussey, 292-293. 
Luxnow, 83.

Macaulay, Dr., 117. 
Macartney, Mr. Ellison, 299. 
MacCarthy, Bishop, 119.
——­ Florence, 4.
——­ Mr., 115. 
MacCarty, Mr. Daniel, 18. 
MacGregor, Sir Duncan, 128. 
Magee, Archbishop, 35, 44-45. 
Magheries, the, owned by the Hussey family, 4. 
Maguire, Mr., M.P. for Cork, 43. 
Mahaffy, Prof., 252.
Manchester Guardian on the Edenburn outrage, 238-239. 
Marlborough, Duchess of, 206.
——­ Duke of, 165-166, 297. 
Marriage customs, 142-146. 
Marshall, Miss Leeson, 301.
——­ Mr. Leeson, 144, 159, 206;
  anecdote of, 301. 
Martin, Miss, books of, 30.
——­ Mr. Richard, M.P., 55.
——­ Mr. Robert, 274. 
Mason, John, 245. 
Matthew, Father, 61, 101-102. 
Maynooth, 116, 118, 122, 180. 
M’Calmont, Captain, 261. 
M’Carthy, Mr. Justin, 264. 
M’Cowan, Mr., of Tralee, 220. 
M’Elligott, John, 245. 
Merry, Mr. Andrew, 120. 
Milnes, Mr. Monckton, 168. 
Millstreet, crime in, 217, 222. 
Milltown, voting at, 295.
——­ Fair, price of cattle at, 273. 
Minard Castle, 4. 
Minerals, 142. 
Mitchel, Mr. John, 55, 64. 
Monaghan, Chief Justice, 87. 
Monk, Lord, 94. 
Monsell, Hon. Mrs., 65. 

Project Gutenberg
The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.