The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent.

The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent.
——­ ——­ Party, the, 194-195.
——­ Rulers, Irish-American, 289-290. 
Hore, Mr., house and haggards of, burnt, 4. 
Houghton, Lord, 168-169. 
Howorth, Sir Henry, 285-286. 
Huddard’s School at Dublin, 20-21. 
Huddleston, Mr. Henry, house of, burnt, 4. 
Husse, Sir Hugh, 6. 
Hussey, origin of name, 6.
——­ Colonel Maurice, 5-6, 100.
——­ Miss Anne, 19.
——­ ——­ Clarissa, 126.
——­ ——­ Mary, 16.
——­ Mr. Edward, 16.
——­ ——­ James, 15-16, 19.
——­ ——­ John, brother of Mr. Samuel, 15.
——­ ——­ ——­ son of Mr. Samuel, 16.
——­ ——­ Maurice, 16, 253, 297.
——­ ——­ Michael, M.P. for Dingle, 7.
——­ ——­ ‘Red Precipitate,’ 10, 12, 15.
——­ ——­ Robert, 16.
——­ ——­ Samuel, M., parentage of, 10-12;
  early life and education of, 20-29;
  farming, 30-37;
  land agent in Cork, 38 et seq.;
  to Colthurst property, 71;
  candidature of, for Parliament, 96, 98;
  Irish Land Act Commission, evidence before, 205-206, 268-280;
  press criticisms of, 209-210, 248, 255, 256, 275;
  Land Leaguers, threats from, 214, 224, 235-247;
  Edenburn outrage, 235-247;
  ‘Woodcock,’ 255;
  land sales, series of, letter to the Times regarding, 259;
  Times, letter to, re Mr. Harrington, 263-264;
  Parnell Commission, evidence before, 276-280;
  Froude, friendship with, 282-285;
  Sir Henry Howorth, friendship with, 285-286;
  Protection, opinion on, 297-299.
——­ ——­ Walter, 4. 
Hussey, Mrs. (Miss Mary Hickson), 53;
  descent of, 12-13.
——­ ——­ Samuel (Miss Julia Agnes Hickson), 13.
——­ Sir John, Earl of Galtrim, 6.

Inch East and Ardroe, 258.
——­ Island, 258. 
Industries, 142. 
Inniscarra, 38.
Irish Citizen, the, 248. 
Irish Land Commission, Mr. Hussey’s evidence before, 205, 270-275. 
Iveragh, barony of, 18.

Jeffreys, Mr., 49. 
Jenkinson, Mr., 246. 
Jenner, Mr., 132. 
Johnson, Judge, 83.

Kanturk, 108. 
Keagh, Judge, anecdote of, 87-88;
  opinion of Irishmen, 130. 
Kellegher, Mr. Jerry, anecdotes of, 10-12. 
Kellehers, the, 88. 
Kelly, Miss Mary, ‘Eva,’ 63. 
Kenmare family, the, 3.
——­ Earl of, succession to title, 95;
  expenditure on estate improvements, 152, 196, 209, 221;
  anecdote of, 153;
  criticisms of, 209, 255;
  House of Commons, debate on estate of, 221;
  departure from Ireland, 224.
——­ district, poverty of, 214. 
Kerry, population, etc., of, 36-37;
  clergy and churches in, 119
Kerry Sentinel, Edenburn outrage, on the, 240. 
Kilcockan parish, land value in, 193. 
Kilcoleman, woods of, 155. 
Kildare Street Club, 49. 
Killarney, crime in, 66, 214.
——­ House, home of Lord Kenmare, 115, 209. 
Killeentierna House, home of Mr. A. Herbert, 226.
——­ parish, church revenue of, 121. 
Killiney parish, property of Hussey family in, 4. 
Killorglin, Puck Fair at, 95, 104, 105;
  voting at, 294. 
Kilmainham gaol, 68. 
Kilronan, evictions at, 258. 
Kimberley, Earl of (Lord Wodehouse), 164, 165. 
Kitchener, Lord, 157.

Project Gutenberg
The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.