Indian Unrest eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 450 pages of information about Indian Unrest.

Indian Unrest eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 450 pages of information about Indian Unrest.

Of the three Bengali newspapers that came into the field soon after Partition as the explicit champions of revolution—–­ the Sandhya, the Navasakti, to which Mr. Arabindo Ghose was himself a frequent contributor, and the Yugantar—­the last named achieved the greatest and most startling popularity.  It was founded in 1906 by Barendra Kumar Ghose, a brother of Arabindo, and by Bhupendranath Dutt, only brother of the celebrated Swami Vivekananda, who visited Europe and America as the missionary of the Hindu revival and has been revered in India, since his premature death in 1905, as a modern rishi and a no less great one than those of ancient Vedic times.  Barendra Ghose, who had studied history and political literature at Baroda, where Arabindo was a Professor in the Gaekwar’s College, had originally intended to start a religious institution, and whilst he edited the Yugantar he founded a hostel for youths attending “National” schools.  The Yugantar set itself to preach revolution as a religious even more than a political movement.  Its profession of faith is to be found in an article headed “The Age of the Gita again in India":—­

God (i.e., Khrisna in the Gita) has said, “Oh, descendant of Bharata, whenever there be a decline of righteousness and the rise of unrighteousness, then I shall become incarnate again.  I shall be born in every Yuga [era] to rescue the good, to destroy the wrongdoer, and to establish righteousness.”
In the Dwapara-Yuga [the era which preceded the present Kali-Yuga, or era of darkness] when righteousness was on the wane and unrighteousness was springing up in the sacred land of India under the hands of Duryyodhana and other miscreants engaged in wickedness, then God, by becoming incarnate again and awakening his favourite disciple Arjuna to duty, re-established the kingdom of righteousness in India.  At the present time righteousness is declining and unrighteousness is springing up in India.  A handful of alien robbers is ruining the crores of the people of India by robbing the wealth of India.  Through the hard grinding of their servitude, the ribs of this countless people are being broken to pieces.  Endless endeavours are being made in order that this great nation by losing, as an inevitable result of this subjection, its moral, intellectual and physical power, its wealth, its self-reliance, and all other qualities, may be turned into the condition of the beasts of burden or be wholly extinguished.  Why, oh Indians, are you losing heart, at the sight of many obstacles in your path, to make a stand against this unrighteousness?  Fear not, oh Indians.  God will not remain inactive at the sight of such unrighteousness in His kingdom.  He will keep His word.  Placing firm reliance on the promise of God, invoke His power, and He will descend in your midst to destroy unrighteousness.  Do not be afraid.  “When the lightning of
Project Gutenberg
Indian Unrest from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.