MORAG. But it came from the back of the house—from the hillside.
MARY STEWART. Do as I tell you. The other side may be watched.
(A candle is lit and placed in the window. Girl goes hurrying to the door.)
MARY STEWART. Stop, stop! Would you be opening the door with a light like that shining from the house? A man would be seen against it in the doorway for a mile. And who knows what eyes may be watching? Put out the light now and cover the fire.
(Room is reduced to semi-darkness, and the door unbarred. Someone enters.)
MORAG. You are cold, Dugald!
(STEWART, very exhausted, signs assent.)
MORAG. And wet, oh, wet through and through!
STEWART. Erricht Brig was guarded, well guarded. I had to win across the water.
(The old woman has now relit candle and taken away plaid from fire.)
MARY STEWART. Erricht Brig—then—
STEWART (nods). Yes—in a corrie, on the far side of Dearig, half-way up.
MARY STEWART. Himself is there then?
STEWART. Aye, and Keppoch as well, and another and a greater is with them.
MARY STEWART. Wheest! (Glances at MORAG.)
STEWART. Mother, is it that you can—
MARY STEWART. Yes, yes, Morag will bring out the food for ye to carry back. It is under the hay in the barn, well hid. Morag will bring it.—Go, Morag, and bring it.
(MORAG enters other room or barn which opens on right.)
STEWART. Mother, I wonder at ye; Morag would never tell—never.
MARY STEWART. Morag is only a lass yet.
She has never been tried.
And who knows what she might be made to tell.
STEWART. Well, well, it is no matter, for I was
telling you where
I left them, but not where I am to find them.
MARY STEWART. They are not where you said now?
STEWART. No; they left the corrie last night, and I am to find them (whispers) in a quiet part on Rannoch moor.
MARY STEWART. It is as well for a young lass
not to be knowing.
Do not tell her.
(He sits down at table; the old woman ministers to his wants.)
STEWART. A fire is a merry thing on a night like this; and a roof over the head is a great comfort.
MARY STEWART. Ye’ll no’ can stop the night?
STEWART. No. I must be many a mile from here before the day breaks on Ben Dearig.
(MORAG reenters.)
MORAG. It was hard to get through, Dugald?
STEWART. You may say that. I came down Erricht for three miles, and then when I reached low country I had to take to walking in the burns because of the snow that shows a man’s steps and tells who he is to them that can read; and there’s plenty can do that abroad, God knows.
MORAG. But none spied ye?