The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays.

The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays.

Curtain Raisers, Duckworth, London.

+Arthur Wing Pinero+

THE PLAYGOERS:  A farce in which a lady attempts to provide cultural amusement for her servants, and succeeds in breaking up the smooth-running establishment.


+David Pinski+

ABIGAIL:  A dramatization of a Biblical story from the wars of
David.  Translated from the Yiddish by Dr. Goldberg.

In Six Plays of the Yiddish Theatre, Luce.

FORGOTTEN SOULS:  Fanny Segal’s self-sacrifice for her sister and lover is carried to a strange and morbid extreme.

In Six Plays of the Yiddish Theatre, Luce.

+Graham Pryce+

THE COMING OF FAIR ANNIE:  A simple but effective dramatization of the old ballad.

Gowans and Gray.

+Richard Pryce and Arthur Morrison+

THE DUMB CAKE:  A St. Agnes’ Eve story in a London slum.


+Serafin and Joaquim Quintero+

A SUNNY MOHNING:  Two very old people recall the tremendously romantic happenings of their early youth.

In Fifty Contemporary One-Act Plays, Stewart and Kidd.

+Edwin Arlington Robinson+

VAN ZORN:  A play of New York studio life in which Van Zorn puts his own desires out of court and plays providence in the lives of his friends.


+Santiago Rosinol+

THE PRODIGAL DOLL:  A comical marionette sows his wild oats most violently and repents in deep sorrow.

In Drama, February, 1917, 5:15.

+Edmond Rostand+

CYRANO DE BERGERAC:  A great play of a swashbuckling hero of the
Paris of Moliere’s time.

Doubleday; also in Dickinson’s Contemporary Dramatists, I,
Houghton Mifflin.

L’AIGLON:  The tragic story of Napoleon’s son, the little King of
Rome, captive among enemies determined to tame his spirit.


THE PRINCESS FAR-AWAY:  The story of the Troubadour Rudel and the Princess of Tripoli, celebrated in one of Browning’s poems, represents all worship of what is beyond attainment.


THE ROMANCERS:  The foolish and romantic notions of two lovers are ably caricatured by their fathers’ plots and stratagems.

Baker, 1906.

+Arthur Schnitzler+

LAST MASKS:  A dying man in the Vienna Hospital contrives an opportunity for the cruel stroke he has intended at a man who has succeeded where he himself has failed; at the moment of possible triumph a different mood controls him.  There are three excellent studies of character in the play.

In Anatol and Other Plays, Boni and Liveright.

+George Bernard Shaw+

ANDROCLES AND THE LION:  The old story of a saint whom the lion remembered as his friend—­with much shrewd light upon certain types of early Christians.


Project Gutenberg
The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.