The British and Foreign Society organised a complete exhibition of Kindergarten work and materials, to which all the chief London Kindergarten establishments (including Croydon) contributed; and most establishments gave lessons in turn, weekly, to classes of children, in order to show publicly the practical application of Kindergarten methods. These lessons were given gratuitously in the rooms devoted to the Kindergarten section of the exhibition. In October this section was closed by a conference of Kindergarten teachers from all England, held in the Lecture Theatre of the Albert Hall.
Autumn.—Dr. Wichard Lange, the biographer of Froebel, and collector of Froebel’s works (from whose collection the present translation has been made), and by his numerous articles one of the best friends to the advocacy of Froebel’s educational principles, died, under somewhat painful circumstances.
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WALTER, L. Die Froebel-Literatur. 8vo, pp. 198. Dresden. $1.00
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GESAMMELTE PAEDAGOGISCHE SCHRIFTEN, hrsg. W. Lange. 8vo, 3 vols. [I. Autobiographie; II. Menschenerziehung; III. Paedagogik des Kindergartens]. Berlin, 1862.
PAEDAGOGISCHE SCHRIFTEN, hrsg. Friedrich Seidel. 12mo, 3 vols. [I. Menschen-Erziehung, pp. 330; II. Kindergarten-Wesen, pp. 463; III. Mutter- und Kose-Lieder, pp. 228]. Wien, 1883. 6.50
MENSCHEN-ERZIEHUNG. Erziehungs-, Unterrichts-, und Lehrkunst. 12mo, pp. 330. Wien, 1883. 2.00
THE EDUCATION OF MAN. Translated by Josephine Jarvis. 12mo, pp. 273. New York, 1885. 1.30
—— The same, translated and annotated by W.N. Hailmann. 12mo, pp. 332. New York, 1887. 1.50
L’EDUCATION DE L’HOMME. Traduit de l’allemand par la baronne de Crombugghe. 12mo, pp. 394. Paris, 1881.
MUTTER- UND KOSE-LIEDER. Dichtung und Bilder zur edlen Pflege des Kindheitlebens. Ein Familien-buch. 12mo, pp. 228. Wien, 1883. 2.00
MOTHER’S SONGS, Games and Stories. Froebel’s “Mutter- und Kose-Lieder” rendered in English by Frances and Emily Lord. Containing the whole of the original illustrations, and the music, rearranged for children’s voices, with pianoforthe accompaniment. 8vo, pp. 289. London, 1885. 3.00
MOTHER-PLAY, and Nursery Songs. Illustrated by Fifty Engravings. With Notes to Mothers. By Friedrich Froebel. Translated from the German. 4to, pp. 192. Boston, 1878. 2.00
THE MOTHER’S BOOK of Song. Two-part Songs for Little Singers, on the Kindergarten System. The music composed by Lady Baker; edited by G.A. Macfarran. 16mo. New York.