Richard Wagner eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 398 pages of information about Richard Wagner.

Richard Wagner eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 398 pages of information about Richard Wagner.

Mastersingers, The, 109, 111, 179, 279, 319-321, 325, 333,
   341, 344, 358, 387, 388, 395, 398; the story, 280, 281; the influence of Nuremberg, 282, 283; the overture, 284-288; analysis and criticism, 288-318; produced at Munich, 321

Mendelssohn, Felix, 33, 49, 57, 58, 73, 126, 364, 372, 407, 418; Midsummer Night’s Dream overture, 61; Hebrides, 112; his comment on Tannhaeuser, 163

Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 55, 407, 414, 415, 418; Robert the Devil, 48; his treatment of Wagner, 67-71, 73, 74, 80; his influence on Rienzi, 84-86

Mueller, Alexander, 196

Mueller, Gottlieb, 36

My Life, 67

Napoleon I, his flight from Leipzig 4. 5, 31

Newman, Mr. Ernest, 130, 167, 212, 217

Nibelung’s Ring, The.  See Ring

Nicolai School, Leipzig, 27

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 52, 418

Overtures:  “Polonia,” 43;
 D minor, 45;
 C major, 45; King Enzio, 45; Faust, 62, 70, 209; Columbus, 70, 75

Parsifal, 16, 138-140, 170, 379; analysis and criticism, 409-416

Paetz, Johanna Rosina, 3

Pecht, Friedrich, 70

Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil, commissions an opera from Wagner, 230, 237

Philharmonic Society, the, 33, 45, 46, 134; concerts conducted by Wagner, 220-226

Pilgrimage to Beethoven, A, 213

Pillet, Leon, 80

Planer, Minna, marries Wagner, 53, 54.
See Wagner, Minna.

Poe, Edgar Allen, 330

Poland, Wagner’s sympathy with, 41, 43

Praeger, Ferdinand, 43, 68, 200, 208, 225, 238

Raymund, his “magic dramas,” 44

Reinecke, Carl, 33, 45, 46

Reissiger, Gottlieb, 77, 79, 123-125

Rhinegold, The, 209, 299, 350, 351, 354, 358, 376, 383, 385, 396; composition of, 332-334; analysis and criticism, 337-349

Rienzi, 55, 61, 62, 68, 69, 73, 74, 81, 82, 117, 127, 128; completed and sent to Dresden, 75-80; accepted, 80;
 Meyerbeer’s influence on, 84, 85; analysis and criticism, 86-93; its success, 91, 121; a failure at Weimar, 237

Rietz, Julius, portrait of Wagner by, 206

Ring of the Nibelung, The, 105, 111, 137,176, 207-209, 226-230,
   320, 323, 325, 378; first cycle given at Bayreuth, 327-329; summary of its growth, 330-334; analysis of its main dramatic motive, 334-337;
 Schopenhauer’s criticism, 342, see also the separate operas

Ritter, Alexander, 208

Ritter, Frau, 199, 208

Roeckel, August, 126, 132, 133, 196

Rossini, G.A., 55, 407; William Tell, 47; Stabat Mater, 213

Sainton, Prof., 225

Saengerkrieg auf Wartburg, 72, 82, 128

Project Gutenberg
Richard Wagner from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.