119 Tarahumare Plough with Wooden Share, 121
Tarahumare Ploughshare Made of Oak, 122 Tarahumare
Ploughshare of Stone, 122 Young Southern Pima,
123 Middle-aged Southern Pima, 124 Southern
Pimas Living in a Brushwood Inclosure, 125 Pine
Cone Serving as a Comb, 127 Southern Pima Arrow
Release, 128 Small Crosses Placed in a Log in
Front of Southern Pima House, 128 The Waterfall
of Basasiachic, 129 Tarahumare Ploughman, 133
Ancient Stone Hammer Seen in the Presidente’s
Yard, 134 Tarahumare Indians from Pino Gordo,
137 Tarahumare Court in Session at Cusarare,
140 Barranca de Urique, 145 Our Tarahumare
Carriers and the Gobernador, 148 Tarahumare Men,
149 Tarahumare Woman, 150 Necklace of
Seeds of Coix Lachryma-Jobi, 151 Tarahumare
Ear-ornament: one seed Coix Lachryma-Jobi
at top. Natural size, 151 Tarahumare
Ranch near Barranca de Cobre, showing ploughed fields
supported by stone walls, 152 Tarahumare Ranch
near Barranca de Cobre, showing agriculture on
terraces, 152 Tarahumare House near Barranca
de Cobre, 157 Tarahumare House in the Hot Country,
158 Cappe of Sandstone Pillar, showing effect
of erosion, 159 Tarahumare Family Camping under
a Tree, 161 Inhabited Cave, the Home of a Tarahumare
Belle, 162 The Belle of the Cave, 163 Side
View of Cave on Page 165, Showing Store-houses and
Inclosure, 164 Inhabited Cave, Showing Store-houses,
Inclosure, and Extended Floor, 165 Cave with
Wooden Ladder Leading to a Store-room, 169 Crosses
Made from the Natural Growth of Pine-trees in Front
of Tarahumare House, 172 Crosses in Front
of Tarahumare House, 173 Cross, 174 Tarahumare
Store-house of Stones and Mud, 175 Caves Used
as Store-houses, 176 Tarahumare Store-houses
Made of Logs, 178 Cactus Flowers, 179 Making
Larvae Ready for the Pot, 182 Gathering Pithaya,
188 In the Highlands of the Sierra, 194 Tarahumare
Interpreters, 201 Indian Trail Cut in a Ridge
of Tuff, 202 Pecking on Rock in the Neighbourhood
of Norogachic, 203 Tarahumare Girl from the Neighbourhood
of Norogachic, 205 Pecking on Rock in the Neighbourhood
of Norogachic, 207 Winter Morning in the Sierra,
209 Dogs of Chihuahua, 216 Tarahumare Girdles,
219 Aspect of the Tarahumare Country in Humarisa,
227 Taking My Baggage Down an Indian Trail in
the Barranca de San Carlos, 231 Tarahumare
Woman, 236 Tarahumare Man, 237 Usual Crouching
Position of the Tarahumare, 238 Tarahumare Man,
239 Tarahumares Sunning Themselves, 240 Tarahumare
Girl. The Hair Worn in Mexican Fashion, 242
Weaving a Girdle, 249 Patterns of Tarahumare
Belts, 249 Woman Pottery Maker and Some Results
of Her Labour, 250 Tarahumare Pottery from Panalachic,
252 Basket for Straining Tesvino, 254 Tarahumare
Blanket, 259 A Tarahumare Call, 260 Tarahumare
Arrow Release, 262 Tarahumare Baskets, 263
Tarahumare Girl Carrying Water, 265 Tarahumare,
Showing Mode of Wearing Blanket, 268 Tarahumare
Blankets, 274 Stone Disk for Playing, 277 Sticks
Used by Tepehuanes for Playing, 278 Value of