have many names among you; the Lord encrease their
number and zeale. If but one of us this day, shall
open this doore of his heart with Jehoshuah,
let others chuse, I and my house will serve the Lord
more zealously then heeretofore; neither I nor hee
shall have lost our labours. A lively picture
casts the eye upon every one that comes neere it:
such is the word with whom, and with which we have
to do; Let him that is now colde, grow colder & colder;
but let him that hath an eare, heare what hath beene
sayd to the Churches; and be zealous and amend.
The Lord give us not onely understanding, but zeale in all things: he baptize us with fire: hee breath on us, and inspire into us the spirit of life & power, &c. So shall wee runn the wayes of his commandements.