This title of Angels why may it not also be extended to Magistrates, as well as that higher stile, of Gods; Sure I am, that the scarlet robe of zeale would exceeding well become them. Jethro maketh it their prime and essentiall character; God and Moses, their onely and sole, in the charge and commission to Jehoshuah so oft repeated; Onely be of good courage. And if David were now to re-pen his Psalme; I thinke hee might alter the forme of his counsell, and say, Bee zealous yee Rulers and Judges of the world, and not wise and politique: or rather under the tearmes of wisdome, hee comprehends indeede the zeale wee call for, the most now adayes being Gallio’s, wise onely for the matters of the Commonwealth; not having a sparke of that spirit which was in Phineas, Daniel, and Nehemias, &c. for the Lord of hosts, or to his Lawes and Commandements; as if God had made Magistrates keepers onely of the second Table, governours of men, and not of Christians; guardians onely of civill societies, and not of his Church, and shepheards also of his flocke. Are Idolatries, blasphemies, prophaning of Saboths, no sinns? Why then either have not the lawes force and strength enough in them (as sometime wee are answered when wee complaine) or why are they not executed for the suppressing of these raging sins? are not all they punished with death in the Scriptures, as well as breaches of the second table? Blood I leave to the malignant Church, and admire clemency in Rulers, as much as any; but yet I know the prophane dissolutenesse of the times, requires a three stringed whipp of severity to purge our Augean stable of the soule abuses, whipt often with penns and tongues, but spared by