But heere I may turne reprooving into rejoycing, that preaching is growne in any better fashion and grace with our times, by royall and reverend, both examples and countenance: only I wish that every Archippus may fulfill his Ministery, be instant and constant in preaching. Salomon the older, and wiser hee grew, the more hee taught the people, sharpened his goads, and fastned his nails; whereas many amongst us are so wise in their youth, as to affect the foolishnes of preaching; but in their dotage, Ease slayes the foole; when the doore is oyled, it leaves creaking; they must then fall to make much of themselves, till contrary with the Prophet they cry out, My fatnesse, my fatnesse, my belly, my belly; so favouring their lungs, that they will bee sure never to die of Davids consumption of zeale; let such preach, say they, that want livings: and if for shame they preach at all, it must bee rarely and easily, for breaking of their winde (my meaning is not to tax such, whom God disinables by weaknesse of body; or such as recompence their rarity with industry, as Perkins, &c.) and yet forsooth these thinke they may justly challenge, and weare the double honor of countenance and maintenance; I marvell with what right, or with what face, so long as there remaineth expresse Canon of Scripture, bequeathing it to those, that toyle in word and doctrine. Neither will zeale set us on worke onely to preach, or to preach often to avoyd the infamy of bare readers; but it will teach us to preach painefully, and that in the evidence and demonstration, not so much of art, or nature, as of the spirit and grace; regarding onely, that the people know Christ and him crucified; not caring whether they know what wee have read, how many quotations our memory will carry levell, how roundly wee can utter our minde in new minted words, in like sounding, idle, vaine, and offensive Paranomasies;