As for lets and impediments, they over-looke and over-leape them, as fire passeth from one house to another; neither is there any standing for any Gods enemies before them: they make havock of their owne and others corruptions. If you will rightly conceive of Peters zeale in converting & confounding, you must imagine (saith Chrysostome) a man made all of fire walking in stubble. All difficulties are but whetstones of their fortitude. The sluggard saith, There is a Lyon in the way; tell Samson & David so, they will the rather goe out to meet them. Tell Nehemiah of Samballat, hee answereth, Shall such a man as I feare? Tell Caleb there are Anakims, and hee will say, Let us goe upp at once, &c. Let Agabus put off his girdle and binde Paul, let him be told in every City, that bonds await him, hee is not onely ready for bonds, but for death; tell Jubentius, hee must lay downe his life, he is as willing as to lay off his clothes: tell Luther of enemies in Wormes, hee will goe if all the tiles of the houses were Divells. The horse neighs at the trumpet; the Leviathan laughs at the speare. They that meane to take the Kingdome of God by violence, provide themselves to goe through fire and water, carry their lives in their hands, embrace faggots; they say to father and mother, I know you not: to carnall Counsellers and friendly enemies, Get you behinde mee Sathan. Zeale is as strong as death, hot as the coales of Juniper; flouds of many waters cannot quench it. Agar, Pro. 30. speakes of foure things, stately in their kinde; I will make bold to add a fift, comprehending and excelling them all namely the zealous Christian, strong and bold as the Lyon; not turning his head for any; as swift as the grey-hound in the waies of Gods commandements; in the race to heaven, as nimble as the Goat climbing the steepe and craggy mountaines of pietie and vertue; A victorious King, overcoming the world and his lusts: Salomon in all his royalty, is not cloathed like one of these in his fiery Charriot.
To cut off the infinite praises of zeale, let us heare what honourable testimonies and glorious rewards, it pleaseth God to conferre upon it; Davids ruddy complexion and his skill in musique, made him amiable in the eyes of men: but the zeale of his heart, stiled him a man after Gods owne heart; and the sweet Singer of Israel. Abraham, that could finde in his heart to sacrifice his Isaack, was called the friend of God. The same vertue denominated Jacob a Prince with God. Elisha, The Charriots and horse-men. Paul, A chosen vessell, &c.
[Sidenote: Revel. 12.]
[Sidenote: Revel. 7. 3. Ezek. 9. Exod. 12.]