A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale.

A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale.
are no better then the rest; It is the cheerefull loose, that doubleth the gift.  Generally, as some mans marke and name, furthereth the sale of his commodity; so zeale inhanceth all the graces of God.  It pittieth me for Laodicea that lost so much cost; had as many vertues, did as many duties as other Churches:  but for want of this, Christ could not sup with them.  Furnish a table with the principallest fare, and daintiest dishes that may be had; let them be rosted & boyled to the halves, or stand on the table till they bee lukewarme; what will the guests say?  All that we can doe is but the deede done, unlesse zeale conferre grace.

[Sidenote:  4.  Baptismus Flaminis & Fluminis.]

Fourthly, zeale is the richest evidence of faith, and the cleerest demonstration of the Spirit:  The Baptisme of water, is but a cold proofe of a mans Christendome; being common to all commers:  but if any bee baptized with fire, the same is sealed up to the day of Redemption.  If any shall say, friend, what doest thou professe a religion without it; how can hee choose but bee strucke dumb?  Can wee suppose worme-wood without bitternesse, a man without reason? then may wee imagine a religion, and a Christian, without spirit and zeale.

The Jesuite saith, I am zealous; the Separatist, I am zealous; their plea is more probable, then the lukewarme worldlings, that serve God without life.  If the colour bee pale and wan, and the motion insensible, the party is dead or in a swoune; if good and swift, wee make no question.  The zealous Christian is never to seeke for a proofe of his salvation:  what makes one Christian differ from another in grace, as starrs doe in glory; but zeale?  All beleevers have a like precious faith:  All true Christians have all graces in their seedes; but the degrees of them are no way better discerned then by zeale:  Men of place distinguish themselves, by glistering pearles:  A Christian of degrees shines above other in zeale.  Comparisons I know are odious to the world, that faine would have all alike:  but the righteous is better then his neighbour:  All Christians are the excellent of the earth, the Zelot surmounteth them all, as Saul the people by the head and shoulders; hee is ever striving to excell and exceeds others and himselfe.

One of these is worth a thousand others, one doth the worke of many:  which made him speake of Elisha in the plurall number, The horsemen and Charriots of Israel; besides his owne worke, hee winns and procures others, makes Proselytes.  It is the nature of fire to multiply, one coale kindles another:  his worke so shines, that others come in and glorifie God; marvelling and enquiring what such forwardnesse should meane, concluding with Nebuchadnezzar, Surely the servants of the most high God.

These are good Factors and Agents, doing God as good service, as Boutesewes doe the Divell, and Jesuites the Pope, sparing no cost, nor labour; and what they cannot doe themselves, they doe by their friends, Who is on my side, who? &c.

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A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.