In melancholike people it purgeth by provoking the haemorrhoides, and in cholericke by siege, or stoole. If it causeth either vomit or sweat, it is very seldome and rare.
See here a most admirable worke guided by the omnipotency and wisedom of the Almighty, that a naturall, cleare, and pure water, should produce so many and severall effects and operations, being all of them in a manner contrary one to another, which few medicines composed by art can easily performe without hurt and damage to the party. Wherefore being drunke with those cautions and circumstances necessarily required thereunto, it is to be preferred before many other remedies, as not onely procuring these evacuations; but also (which is more to be noted) staying them, when they grow to any excesse. For seeing that here are minerals contained both hot, cold, dry, aperitive, astringent, &c. there is none so simple but must needs thinke and grant, that it cannot otherwise bee but good and wholesome in grievances, and diseases, which in their owne natures are opposite.
But I may instance in some few, for which it is good and profitable, and therein observe some order and methode; It dryeth the over moist braine, and helpeth the evils proceeding therefrom, as rhumes, catarrhs, palsies, cramps, &c.
It is also good and availeable against inveterate headaches, migrims, turnings, and swimmings of the head and braine, dizzinesse, epilepsie, or falling sicknesse, and the like cold and moist diseases of the head.
It cheereth and reviveth the spirits, strengtheneth the stomacke, causeth a good and quicke appetite, and furthereth digestion.
It helpeth the blacke and yellow Jaundisse, and the evill, which is accompanied with strange feare and excessive sadnesse without any evident occasion, or necessary cause, called Melancholia Hypochondriaca. Likewise the cachexy, or evill habit of the body, and the dropsie in the beginning thereof, before it be too farre gone. For besides that it openeth obstructions, it expelleth the redundant water contained in the belly, and contemperateth the unnaturall heat of the liver.
It cooleth the kidneyes or reynes, and driveth forth sand, gravell, and stones out of them, and also hindreth the encrease or breeding of any new, by the concretion, and saudering of gravell, bred of a viscous and clammy humour, or substance. The same it performeth to the bladder, for which it is also very beneficiall, if it chance to have any evill disposition either in the cavity thereof, or in the necke of it, and shutting muscle called Sphincter, whereby the whole part or member is let and hindred in his office and function.
Moreover, if there chance to be any ulcer in the parts last specified, or any sore, or fistula in perinaeo through an impostume ill cured, this water is a good remedy for it, in regard of its clensing, cicatrizing and constringing power, and vertue; and for that cause it is very proper and commodious for the acrimony and sharpnesse of urine, and against the stopping and suppression of urine, difficulty of making water, and the strangury.