Those waters (saith Renodaeus) which are replenished with a vitrioline quality, as those at the Spaw, doe presently heale, and (as it were) miraculously cure diseases, which are without all hope of recovery; having that notable power, and faculty from vitrioll; by the vertue and efficacy whereof, they passe through the meanders, turnings, and windings of all parts of the whole body. Whatsoever is hurtfull, or endammageth it, that they sweepe and carie away: what is profitable and commodious, they touch not, nor hurt; that, which is flaccid, and loose, they bind and fasten: that, which is fastened, and strictly tyed, they loose: what is too grosse and thicke, they incide, dissolve, attenuate, and expell.
More particularly, the water of this fountaine hath an incisive and abstersive faculty to cut, and loosen the viscous and clammy humours of the body, and to make meable the grosse: as also by its piercing and penetrating power, subtilty of parts, and by his deterging and desiccative qualities to open all the obstructions, or oppilations of the mesentery (from whence the seeds of most diseases doe arise and spring) liver, splen, kidneis, and other interiour parts, and (which is more to be noted and observed) to coole and contemperate their unnaturall heat, helping, and removing also all the griefes and infirmities depending thereupon.
Besides all this, it comforteth the stomacke by the astriction it hath from other minerals, especially iron, so that (without doubt) of a thousand, who shall use it discreetly and with good advice (their bodies first being well and orderly prepared by some learned and skilfull Physitian, according to the states thereof, and as their infirmities shall require) there will scarcely be any one found who shall not receive great profit thereby.
Moreover, it clenseth, and purifieth the whole masse of blood contained in the veynes, by purging it from the seresity peccant, and from cholericke, phlegmaticke, and melancholike humours; and that principally by urine, which passeth through the body very cleare, and in great quantity, leaving behind it the minerall forces, and vertues.
Their stooles, who drinke of it, are commonly of a blackish, or dark greene colour, partly because it emptieth the liver and splen from adult humours, and melancholy, or the sediment of blood: but more especially, because the mineralls intermixed doe produce and give such a tincture.
CHAP. 11.
_=In what diseases the water of this Fountaine is most usefull and beneficiall.=_
Over and besides the peculiar and specificall faculties, which this fountaine hath, it sheweth divers and sundry other manifest effects and qualities in evacuating the noxious humours of the body, for most part by urine especially when there is any obstruction about the kidneyes, ureters and bladder: Or by urine and stoole both, if the mesentery, liver, or splen, chance to bee obstructed. But, if the affect or griefe be in the matrix or womb, then it clenseth that way according to the accustomed and usuall manner of women.