Spadacrene Anglica eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 38 pages of information about Spadacrene Anglica.

Spadacrene Anglica eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 38 pages of information about Spadacrene Anglica.

CHAP. 8.

_=That Vitriol is here more predominant, then any other minerall.=_

We have sufficiently beene satisfied by experience and trialls, through what minerals this water doth passe:  but to know in what proportion they are exactly mixed therewith, it is beyond humane invention to find out; nature having reserved this secret to her selfe alone.  Neverthelesse it may very well be conjectured, that as in the frame, and composition of the most noble creature, Man (the lesser world) there is a temper of the foure elements rather ad justitiam (as Philosophers say) then ad pondus; so nature in the mixture of these minerals, hath likewise taken more of some, and lesse of others, as shee thought to be most fit, and expedient for the good and behoofe of mans health, and the recovery and restitution of it decayed; being indeed such a worke, as no Art is able to imitate.

That Vitriolum (otherwise called Chalcanthum) is here most predominant, there needs no other proofe, then from the assay of the water it selfe; which both in the tart and inky smack thereof, joyned with a piercing and a pricking quality, and in the savour (which is somewhat a little vitrioline,) is altogether like unto the ancient Spaw waters; which according to the consent of all those, who have considered their naturall compositions, doe most of all, and chiefly participate of vitrioll.

Notwithstanding, for a more manifest, and fuller tryall hereof, put as much powder of galls, as will lye on two-pence, or three-pence, into a glasse full of this water newly taken up at the fountaine, you shall see it by and by turned into the right and perfect colour of Claret wine, that is fully ripe, cleare, and well fined, which may easily deceive the eye of the skilfullest Vintner.

This demonstration hath beene often made, not without the admiration of those, who first did see it.  For the same quantity of galles mingled with so much common water, or any other fountaine water thereabouts, will not alter it any thing at all; unlesse to these you also adde Vitrioll, and then the colour will appeare to be of a blewish violet, somewhat inkish, not reddish, as in the former, which hath an exquisite and accurate conjunction of other minerall exhalations, besides the vitrioline.  But this probation will not hold, if so be you make triall with the said water being caried farre from the well; by reason of the present dissipation of his spirits.

CHAP. 9.

_=Of the properties, and effects of Vitrioll, according to the ancient and moderne Writers.=_

The qualities of Vitrioll, according to Dioscorides, Galen, AEtius, Paulus AEgineta, and Oribasius, are to heate and dry, to bind, to resist putrefaction, to give strength and vigour to the interiour parts, to kill the flat wormes of the belly, to remedy venemous mushromes, to preserve flesh over moyst from corruption, consuming the moysture thereof by its heat, and constipating by his astriction the substance of it, and pressing forth the serous humidity.

Project Gutenberg
Spadacrene Anglica from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.