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Abraxas grossulariata, 60, 83, 97-8
Adaptation of larvae, 57, 79, 114
Adephaga, 51
Adler, H., 94
Aeschnidae, 27, 29, 31
Agrionidae, 27, 28
Agrotis segetum, 98
Air-tubes, 2, 11, 23, 47, 70, 77, 87, 120
Alternation of generations, 17, 94
Ametabola, 11, 35
Anapterygota, 116
Anglas, J., 46
Ant-lions, 57
Ants, 64, 66
Aphidae, 17-20, 116
Aphis pomi, 18-19
Aphis-lion, 57
Apterygota, 41, 110
Aquatic insects, 23-34, 76-9, 120
Araschnia levana and var. prorsa, 103
Arctia caia, 98
Arctiadae, 59
Arthropoda, 9
Austen, E.E., 91
Avebury, Lord, see Lubbock, J.
Balfour-Browne, F., 28
Bark-beetles, 55
Barrett, C.G., 96, 99
Beauregard, H., 56
Bees, 40, 46, 64, 83
Beetles, 40, 50-7, 80, 107, 112-3, 119
Bell Moths, 62
Bird-lice, 108