VALUABLE QUARTO CLASSICS, in good condition and at reduced prices—AEliani Varia Historia, Gr. et Lat., Gronovil, vellum, 10s.; AEschylus, Gr. et Lat. Butleri, 4 vols., new, cloth, 2l. 2s.; Aurelius Victor, Aratzenii, calf, gilt, 8s. 6d.; Ausonius, Delphini, calf, gilt, 10s. 6d.; large paper, rare, 15s.; Demosthenes et AEschines, Gr. et Lat., Taylori, 2 vols., calf, neat, 10s.; Euripides, Gr. et Lat., Beckii, 3 vols., russia, extra, 1l. 15s.; Homerus, Gr. et Lat., Barnnessil, 2 vols., calf, neat, 15s.; Horatius, edidit Combe, 2 vols., calf, gilt, 1l. 5s. russia, extra, 1l. 15s.; Lucanus, Oudenorpil, 2 vols., calf, neat, 12s. 6d.; Lucanus, Burmanni, calf, neat, 10s. 6d.; Lucretius, edidit Keats, calf, extra, 6s., russia, extra, large paper, 10s.; Maximum Tyrius, Gr. et Lat., Marklandi et Davisit, calf, gilt, 10s.; Minuciux Felix, Ouzelii, vellum, 5s.; Phaedrus Hoogstratani, calf, gilt, plates, scarce, 12s.; Plautus, Delphini, 2 vols., calf, neat, 18s., vellum, fine copy, 1l. 5s.; Plinii Historia Naturalis, Delphini, 6 vols., calf, neat, 1l. 5s.; Plinii Epistolae, Cortii et Longolii, vellum, 12s.; Plinii Panegyricus, Schwarzli, sewed, 6s., russia, 12s.; Propertius, Brouckhusii, 1727, calf, gilt, or vellum, 6s.; Quintillanus, Burmanoi, 4 vols., calf, neat, 1l. 1s.; Quintus Curtius, Snakenburgii, 2 vols., calf, neat, 12s., calf, gilt, 15s.; Sallustius, Havercampi, 2 vols., calf, gilt, 1l. 4s.; Suetonius, Pitisci, 2 vols., calf, gilt, 15s.; Terentius, Delphini, calf, neat, 7s.; Thucydides, Gr. et Lat., Gottleberi et Dukeri, 2 vols., russia, 14s.; Tibullus, Brouckhusii, calf, gilt, or vellum, 5s.; Vilgilius, Masavicii, 2 vols., calf, neat, 10s. 6d.—A Catalogue, containing upwards of 2000 Articles, including Translations, Commentaries, Lexicons, &c., will be sent on receipt of two postage stamps.
R. SAYWELL, 193. High Holborn, opposite New Oxford Street.
* * * * *
The highly-interesting Collection of Autograph Letters of George Linnecar, Esq., of Liverpool; a Picture by Hogarth; various articles formerly in the possession of John Evelyn, &c.
PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, on TUESDAY, March 19, and following day, the very select and interesting collection of AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of GEORGE LINNECAR, Esq., of Liverpool. The greater part of this collection has been selected from the extraordinary assemblage of letters formed by the late William Upcott, Esq., and consists mainly of interesting letters of English literary characters from the time of Alexander Pope to the present period. A volume of unpublished poems in the autograph of James Thompson, some miscellanies from the collection of John Evelyn, including his well-known drinking cup; a plaster cast from Thorwaldsen’s bust of Byron (only two taken), a picture by Hogarth, miniature of Voltaire by Sir J. Reynolds, &c.
May be viewed the day before the sale. Catalogues will be sent on application.