The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07.

Alm. Yet—­

Seb. No, thou shalt not plead,
With that fair mouth, against the cause of love. 
Within this castle is a captive priest,
My holy confessor, whose free access
Not even the barbarous victors have refused;
This hour his hands shall make us one.

Alm. I go, with love and fortune, two blind guides,
To lead my way, half loth, and half consenting. 
If, as my soul forebodes, some dire event
Pursue this union, or some crime unknown,
Forgive me, heaven! and, all ye blest above,
Excuse the frailty of unbounded love! [Exeunt.

SCENE II.—­Supposed a Garden, with lodging rooms behind it, or on the sides.

  Enter MUFTI, ANTONIO as a slave, and JOHAYMA the MUFTI’S

Muf. And how do you like him? look upon him well; he is a personable fellow of a Christian dog.  Now, I think you are fitted for a gardener.  Ha, what sayest thou, Johayma?

Joh. He may make a shift to sow lettuce, raise melons, and water a garden-plat; but otherwise, a very filthy fellow:  how odiously he smells of his country garlick! fugh, how he stinks of Spain.

Muf. Why honey bird, I bought him on purpose for thee:  didst thou not say, thou longedst for a Christian slave?

Joh. Ay, but the sight of that loathsome creature has almost cured me; and how can I tell that he is a christian? an he were well searched, he may prove a Jew, for aught I know.  And, besides, I have always longed for an eunuch; for they say that’s a civil creature, and almost as harmless as yourself, husband.—­Speak, fellow, are not you such a kind of peaceable thing?

Ant. I was never taken for one in my own country; and not very peaceable neither, when I am well provoked.

Muf. To your occupation, dog; bind up the jessamines in yonder arbour, and handle your pruning-knife with dexterity:  tightly I say, go tightly to your business; you have cost me much, and must earn it in your work.  Here’s plentiful provision for you, rascal; salading in the garden, and water in the tank, and on holidays the licking of a platter of rice, when you deserve it.

Joh. What have you been bred up to, sirrah? and what can you perform, to recommend you to my service?

Ant. [Making Legs.] Why, madam, I can perform as much as any man, in a fair lady’s service.  I can play upon the flute, and sing; I can carry your umbrella, and fan your ladyship, and cool you when you are too hot; in fine, no service, either by day or by night, shall come amiss to me; and, besides I am of so quick an apprehension, that you need but wink upon me at any time to make me understand my duty. [She winks at him.]—­Very fine, she has tipt the wink already. [Aside.

Joh. The whelp may come to something in time, when I have entered him into his business.

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.