The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07.

Dor. Do; but forget not him who needs it most: 
Allow thyself some share.—­He’s gone too soon;
I had to tell him of his holy jugglings;
Things that would startle faith, and make us deem
Not this, or that, but all religions false.

Bend. Our holy orator has lost the cause. [Aside.
But I shall yet redeem it.—­[To DORAX.] Let him go;
For I have secret orders from the emperor,
Which none but you must hear:  I must confess,
I could have wished some other hand had brought them. 
When did you see your prisoner, great Sebastian?

Dor. You might as well have asked me, when I saw
A crested dragon, or a basilisk;
Both are less poison to my eyes and nature,
He knows not I am I; nor shall he see me,
Till time has perfected a labouring thought,
That rolls within my breast.

Bend. ’Twas my mistake. 
I guessed indeed that time, and his misfortunes,
And your returning duty, had effaced
The memory of past wrongs; they would in me,
And I judged you as tame, and as forgiving.

Dor. Forgive him! no:  I left my foolish faith, Because it would oblige me to forgiveness.

Bend. I can’t but grieve to find you obstinate, For you must see him; ’tis our emperor’s will, And strict command.

Dor. I laugh at that command.

Bend. You must do more than see; serve, and respect him.

Dor. See, serve him, and respect! and after all My yet uncancelled wrongs, I must do this!—­ But I forget myself.

Bend. Indeed you do.

Dor. The emperor is a stranger to my wrongs;
I need but tell my story, to revoke
This hard commission.

Bend. Can you call me friend, And think I could neglect to speak, at full, The affronts you had from your ungrateful master?

Dor. And yet enjoined my service and attendance!

Bend. And yet enjoined them both:  would that were all!  He screwed his face into a hardened smile, And said, Sebastian knew to govern slaves.

Dor. Slaves are the growth of Africk, not of Europe.—­
By heaven!  I will not lay down my commission;
Not at his foot, I will not stoop so low: 
But if there be a part in all his face
More sacred than the rest, I’ll throw it there.

Bend. You may; but then you lose all future means Of vengeance on Sebastian, when no more Alcayde of this fort.

Dor. That thought escaped me.

Bend. Keep your command, and be revenged on both: 
Nor sooth yourself; you have no power to affront him;
The emperor’s love protects him from insults;
And he, who spoke that proud, ill-natured word,
Following the bent of his impetuous temper,
May force your reconcilement to Sebastian;
Nay, bid you kneel, and kiss the offending foot,
That kicked you from his presence.—­
But think not to divide their punishment;
You cannot touch a hair of loathed Sebastian,
While Muley-Moluch lives.

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.