The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07.

Alb. To whom shall I my preservation owe?

Pro. Ask me no more; for ’tis by Neptune’s foe.[8]

  PROTEUS descends.

  DEMOCRACY and ZELOTA return with their faction.

Dem. Our seeming friends, who joined alone,
To pull down one, and build another throne,
Are all dispersed and gone;
We brave republic souls remain.

Zel. And ’tis by us that Albion must be slain;
Say, whom shall we employ
The tyrant to destroy?

Dem. That Archer is by fate designed, With one eye clear, and t’other blind.

Zel. He comes inspired to do’t.

Omnes. Shoot, holy Cyclop, shoot.

The one-eyed Archer advances, the rest follow.  A fire arises
betwixt them and

Dem. Lo! heaven and earth combine
To blast our bold design. 
What miracles are shewn! 
Nature’s alarmed,
And fires are armed,
To guard the sacred throne.

Zel. What help, when jarring elements conspire,
To punish our audacious crimes? 
Retreat betimes,
To shun the avenging fire.

Chor. To shun the avenging fire. [Ritor.

  As they are going back, a fire arises from behind; they all sink

Alb. Let our tuneful accents upwards move,
Till they reach the vaulted arch of those above;
Let us adore them;
Let us fall before them.

Acac. Kings they made, and kings they love.  When they protect a rightful monarch’s reign, The gods in heaven, the gods on earth maintain.

Both. When they protect, &c.

Alb. But see, what glories gild the main!

Acac. Bright Venus brings Albanius back again, With all the Loves and Graces in her train.

A machine rises out of the sea; it opens, and discovers VENUS and ALBANIUS sitting in a great scallop-shell, richly adorned. VENUS is attended by the Loves and Graces, ALBANIUS by Heroes; the shell is drawn by dolphins; it moves forward, while a symphony of flutes-doux, &c. is playing, till it lands them on the stage, and then it closes and sinks.

  VENUS sings.

Albion, hail! the gods present thee
All the richest of their treasures,
Peace and pleasures,
To content thee,
Dancing their eternal measures. [Graces and Loves dance an entry.

Venus. But, above all human blessing,
Take a warlike loyal brother,
Never prince had such another;
Conduct, courage, truth expressing,
All heroic worth possessing. [Here the Heroes’ dance is performed.

Chor. of all. But above all, &c. [Ritor.

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.