The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07.

Chor. Godlike Albion is returning, &c.

Merc. to Arch. Haste away, loyal chief, haste away,
No delay, but obey;
To receive thy loved lord, haste away. [Ex. ARCH.

Tham. Medway and Isis, you that augment me,
Tides that increase my watery store,
And you that are friends to peace and plenty,
Send my merry boys all ashore;
Seamen skipping,
Mariners leaping,
Shouting, tripping,
Send my merry boys all ashore!

  A dance of Watermen in the King’s and Duke’s Liveries.

  The Clouds divide, and JUNO appears in a Machine drawn by
  Peacocks; while a Symphony is playing, it moves gently forward, and
  as it descends, it opens and discovers the Tail of the Peacock,
  which is so large, that it almost fills the opening of the Stage
   between Scene and Scene.

Merc. The clouds divide; what wonders,
What wonders do I see! 
The wife of Jove!  ’Tis she,
That thunders, more than thundering he!

Juno. No, Hermes, no;
’Tis peace above
As ’tis below;
For Jove has left his wand’ring love.

Tham. Great queen of gathering clouds,
Whose moisture fills our floods,
See, we fall before thee,
Prostrate we adore thee!

Aug. Great queen of nuptial rites,
Whose power the souls unites,
And fills the genial bed with chaste delights,
See, we fall before thee,
Prostrate we adore thee!

Juno. ’Tis ratified above by every god,
And Jove has firmed it with an awful nod,
That Albion shall his love renew: 
But oh, ungrateful fair,
Repeated crimes beware,
And to his bed be true!

IRIS appears on a very large Machine.  This was really seen the 18th of March, 1684, by Captain Christopher Gunman, on Board his R.H.  Yacht, then in Calais Pierre:  He drew it as it then appeared, and gave a Draught of it to us.  We have only added the Cloud where the Person of IRIS sits.

Juno. Speak, Iris, from Batavia, speak the news! 
Has he performed my dread command,
Returning Albion to his longing land,
Or dare the nymph refuse?

Iris. Albion, by the nymph attended,
Was to Neptune recommended;
Peace and Plenty spread the sails,
Venus, in her shell before him,
From the sands in safety bore him,
And supplied Etesian gales. [Retornella.
Archon, on the shore commanding,
Lowly met him at his landing,
Crowds of people swarmed around;
Welcome rang like peals of thunder;
Welcome, rent the skies asunder;
Welcome, heaven and earth resound.

Juno. Why stay we then on earth,
When mortals laugh and love? 
’Tis time to mount above,
And send Astraea down,
The ruler of his birth,
And guardian of his crown. 
’Tis time to mount above,
And send Astraea down.

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.