The Enchanted April eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Enchanted April.

The Enchanted April eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Enchanted April.

Then Mrs. Arbuthnot was silent, for she too sometimes had doubts about homes.  She sat and looked uneasily at Mrs. Wilkins, feeling more and more the urgent need to getting her classified.  If she could only classify Mrs. Wilkins, get her safely under her proper heading, she felt that she herself would regain her balance, which did seem very strangely to be slipping all to one side.  For neither had she had a holiday for years, and the advertisement when she saw it had set her dreaming, and Mrs. Wilkins’s excitement about it was infectious, and she had the sensation, as she listened to her impetuous, odd talk and watched her lit-up face, that she was being stirred out of sleep.

Clearly Mrs. Wilkins was unbalanced, but Mrs. Arbuthnot had met the unbalanced before—­indeed she was always meeting them—­and they had no effect on her own stability at all; whereas this one was making her feel quite wobbly, quite as though to be off and away, away from her compass points of God, Husband, Home and Duty—­she didn’t feel as if Mrs. Wilkins intended Mr. Wilkins to come too—­and just for once be happy, would be both good and desirable.  Which of course it wasn’t; which certainly of course it wasn’t.  She, also, had a nest-egg, invested gradually in the Post Office Savings Bank, but to suppose that she would ever forget her duty to the extent of drawing it out and spending it on herself was surely absurd.  Surely she couldn’t, she wouldn’t ever do such a thing?  Surely she wouldn’t, she couldn’t ever forget her poor, forget misery and sickness as completely as that?  No doubt a trip to Italy would be extraordinarily delightful, but there were many delightful things one would like to do, and what was strength given to one for except to help one not to do them?

Steadfast as the points of the compass to Mrs. Arbuthnot were the great four facts of life:  God, Husband, Home, Duty.  She had gone to sleep on these facts years ago, after a period of much misery, her head resting on them as on a pillow; and she had a great dread of being awakened out of so simple and untroublesome a condition.  Therefore it was that she searched with earnestness for a heading under which to put Mrs. Wilkins, and in this way illumine and steady her own mind; and sitting there looking at her uneasily after her last remark, and feeling herself becoming more and more unbalanced and infected, she decided pro tem, as the vicar said at meetings, to put her under the heading Nerves.  It was just possible that she ought to go straight into the category Hysteria, which was often only the antechamber to Lunacy, but Mrs. Arbuthnot had learned not to hurry people into their final categories, having on more than one occasion discovered with dismay that she had made a mistake; and how difficult it had been to get them out again, and how crushed she had been with the most terrible remorse.

Project Gutenberg
The Enchanted April from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.