Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome.

Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome.
however, the AE’qui had the precaution to fortify, by which the Roman army was so hemmed in on every side, that nothing remained but submission to the enemy, famine, or immediate death. 10.  Some knights who found means of getting away privately through the enemy’s camp, were the first that brought the account of this disaster to Rome. 11.  Nothing could exceed the consternation of all ranks of people when informed of it:  the senate at first thought of the other consul; but not having sufficient experience of his abilities, they unanimously turned their eyes upon Cincinna’tus, and resolved to make him dictator. 12.  Cincinna’tus, the only person on whom Rome could now place her whole dependence, was found, as before, by the messengers of the senate, labouring in his field with cheerful industry. 13.  He was at first astonished at the ensigns of unbounded power, with which the deputies came to invest him; but still more at the approach of the principal of the senate, who came out to attend him.

[Illustration:  Cincinnatus called to the Dictatorship.]

14.  A dignity so unlooked for, however, had no effect upon the simplicity or integrity of his manners; and being now possessed of absolute power, and called upon to nominate his master of the horse, he chose a poor man named Tarqui’tius, one who, like himself, despised riches when they led to dishonour.  Thus the saving a great nation was devolved upon a husbandman taken from the plough, and an obscure sentinel found among the dregs of the army. 15.  Upon entering the city, the dictator put on a serene look, and entreated all those who were able to bear arms, to repair, before sunset, to the Cam’pus Mar’tius (the place where the levies were made) with necessary arms, and provisions for five days. 16.  He put himself at the head of these, and, marching all night with great expedition, arrived early the next day within sight of the enemy.  Upon his approach, he ordered his soldiers to raise a loud shout, to apprise the consul’s army of the relief that was at hand. 17.  The AE’qui were not a little amazed when they saw themselves between two enemies; but still more when they perceived Cincinna’tus making the strongest entrenchments beyond them, to prevent their escape, and enclosing them as they had enclosed the consul. 18.  To prevent this, a furious combat ensued; but the AE’qui, being attacked on both sides, and unable longer to resist or fly, begged a cessation of arms. 19.  They offered the dictator his own terms:  he gave them their lives, and obliged them, in token of servitude, to pass under the yoke, which was two spears set upright, and another across, in the form of a gallows, beneath which the vanquished were to march.  Their captains and generals he made prisoners of war, being reserved to adorn his triumph. 20.  As for the plunder of the enemy’s camp, that he gave entirely up to his own soldiers, without reserving any part for himself, or permitting those of the delivered army to have a share. 21.  Thus having rescued a Roman army from inevitable destruction, having defeated a powerful enemy, having taken and fortified their city, and still more, having refused any part of the spoil, he resigned his dictatorship, after having enjoyed it but fourteen days.  The senate would have enriched him, but he declined their proffers, choosing to retire once more to his farm and his cottage, content with competency and fame.

Project Gutenberg
Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.