Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome.

Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome.

11.  The next heir to the throne was Valenti’nian, the son of Placid’ia; but John, the late emperor’s secretary, took advantage of Placid’ia’s absence in the east, to seize on the government.  The court of Constantinople promptly sent a body of troops against the usurper, and John was surprised and taken prisoner at Raven’na. 12.  Valenti’nian III., then in the sixth year of his age, was proclaimed emperor, and the regency entrusted to his mother, Placid’ia.  The two best generals of the age, AE’tius and Bon’iface, were at the head of the army, but, unfortunately, their mutual jealousies led them to involve the empire in civil war.

13.  Bon’iface was recalled from the government of Africa through the intrigues of his rival, and when he hesitated to comply, was proclaimed a traitor.  Unfortunately the African prefect, unable to depend on his own forces, invited the Vandals to his assistance.  Gen’seric, the king of that nation, passed over from Spain, which his barbarous forces had already wasted, and the African provinces were now subjected to the same calamities that afflicted the rest of the empire. 14.  Bon’iface became too late sensible of his error; he attempted to check the progress of the Vandals, but was defeated, and Africa finally wrested from the empire.  He returned to Italy, and was pardoned by Placid’ia; but the jealous AE’tius led an army to drive his rival from the court; a battle ensued, in which AE’tius was defeated; but Bon’iface died in the arms of victory.  Placid’ia was at first determined to punish AE’tius as a rebel; but his power was too formidable, and his abilities too necessary in the new dangers that threatened the empire; he was not only pardoned, but invested with more than his former authority.

15.  The hordes of Huns that had seized on the ancient territory of the Goths, had now become united under the ferocious At’tila, whose devastations procured him the formidable name of “The Scourge of God.”  The Eastern empire, unable to protect itself from his ravages, purchased peace by the payment of a yearly tribute, and he directed his forces against the western provinces, which promised richer plunder.  He was instigated also by secret letters from the princess Hono’ria, the sister of the emperor, who solicited a matrimonial alliance with the barbarous chieftain.  AE’tius being supported by the king of the Goths, and some other auxiliary forces, attacked the Huns in the Catalaunian plains, near the modern city of Chalons in France. 16.  After a fierce engagement the Huns were routed, and it was not without great difficulty that At’tila effected his retreat.  The following year he invaded Italy with more success; peace, however, was purchased by bestowing on him the hand of the princess Hono’ria, with an immense dowry.  Before the marriage could be consummated, At’tila was found, dead in his bed, having burst a blood-vessel during the night.

17.  The brave AE’tius was badly rewarded by the wretched emperor for his eminent services; Valentinian, yielding to his cowardly suspicions, assassinated the general with his own hand. 18.  This crime was followed by an injury to Max’imus, an eminent senator, who, eager for revenge, joined in a conspiracy with the friends of AE’tius; they attacked the emperor publicly, in the midst of his guards, and slew him.

Project Gutenberg
Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.