I myself will do it!
[Lifting stick. Enter the PRINCE and ENGLISH SOLDIERS.]
PRINCE (kneeling). Your Majesty is safe!
GOOD WIFE (aside). What!—Your Majesty, they say!
SOLDIERS (kneeling, joyfully). King Alfred! King Alfred!
GOODWIFE (aside). What!—King Alfred!—
KING. Rise, my Prince! Rise, my soldiers! Ah, I’m glad they did not find you!
[He grasps their hands.]
GOODWIFE (aside; showing fear). It is—it is—the king!
KING. We’ll fight again, my men! At daybreak we’ll surprise them.
KING. Goodwife, your king now thanks you.
GOODWIFE (kneeling). Oh, your Majesty, forgive me! forgive me!
KING (gently). Arise, goodwife.
GOODWIFE (rising). Alas the day I made
you fry the cakes! Alas the day
I would have beaten you!
KING. Nay, goodwife, ’twas that saved my life. I bless the day you made me fry the cakes! I bless the day you would have beaten me! (Lifting his hand over her head.)
And you I bless, goodwife, for your loyalty to England
and her king!
Soldiers, salute this brave goodwife!
[Soldiers form in a double line from door of hut, and hold their bows aloft to make an arch. The Goodwife passes up this lane, under the bows, and stands in door of hut. The King and the Prince salute her.]