[Footnote A: This is not the proper move; he should play 6. P. to K’s 6th.]
1. P. to K’s 4th. 1. P. to K’s 4th.
2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d.
3. P. to Q’s 4th. 3. P. takes P.
4. P. to K’s 5th. 4. Kt. to K’s 5th. (best)
5. Kt. takes P. 5. P. to Q’s 3d. (best)
6. P. takes P. 6. K. B. takes P.
7. K. B. to Q. B’s 4th. 7. K. B. to Q. B’s 4th.
8. Q. B. to K’s 3d. 8. Castles.
9. Castles. 9. Q. Kt. to Q’s 2d.
The game is equal.
Commencing at Black’s 3d move.
1. P. to K’s 4th. 1.
P. to K’s 4th.
2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2.
K. Kt. to B’s 3d.
3. P. to Q’s 4th. 3.
Kt. takes P.
4. K. B. to Q’s 3d. 4.
P. to Q’s 4th.
5. Kt. takes K’s P. 5.
Kt. to Q’s 3d.
6. P. to Q. B’s 4th. 6.
P. takes P.
7. K. Kt. takes P. 7.
Q. B. to K’s 3d.
8. Kt. to K’s 3d. 8.
B. to K’s 2d.
9. Castles. 9.
You have the move, and somewhat the advantage
of position.
Beginning at White’s 5th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 3. P. to Q’s 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. P. to K’s 5th. 4. Kt. to K’s 5th. 5. K. B. to Q’s 3d. 5. K. Kt. to Q. B’s 4th 6. Kt. takes P. 6. P. to Q’s 3d. 7. P. takes P. 7. K. B. takes P. 8. Castles. 8. Castles.
It would not be a good move for Black, instead of castling, to take your K. R. P. (ch.) and then to take the Kt., on account of your check with the B., which would leave his Q. exposed to capture.
Beginning at White’s 3d move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 3. Kt. takes K’s P. 3. Kt. takes P. 4. Q. to K’s 2d. 4. Q. to K’s 2d. 5. Q. takes Kt. 5. P. to Q’s 3d. 6. P. to Q’s 4th. 6. P. to K. B’s 3d. 7. P. to K. B’s 4th. 7. Q. Kt. to Q’s 2d.