[Footnote K: An impudent move, in the face of such an attack.]
[Footnote L: A strong move.]
[Footnote M: P. to K. B’s 5th perhaps stronger.]
[Footnote N: Weak. We cannot see its object. Why not Q. R. to Q’s sq?]
[Footnote O: The best move.]
[Footnote P: Preparatory to Kt. to Kt’s 4th, and then B. to K’s 5th.]
[Footnote Q: Preventing Black’s contemplated move with the Q.]
[Footnote R: With a view of withdrawing the B. and playing the R. to R’s 3d.]
[Footnote S: The first move of a combination, which gave the victory to Philadelphia.]
[Footnote T: Insures the winning of the Kt.]
[Footnote U: A powerful move, as it compels Black to take the Kt., and thereby opens White’s R’s file.]
[Footnote V: If B. takes P., White would have played Q. to K. Kt’s 5th, threatening to check K. and Q. with R., or win the R.]
[Footnote W: An all important check before taking B., as it prevented an interposition of R. to R’s 4th.]
[Footnote X: A very attacking move. Much better than B. to K’s 5th.]
[Footnote Y: A better move than checking, as it prevented Black’s K. escaping to B’s 2d, and then to K’s 3d. White also threatened P. to K. Kt’s 4th.]
[Footnote Z: Black would have lost the R. had they taken the B. by a check at K’s 8th, and afterwards at his 7th.]
[Footnote AA: The coup de grace.]
II.—Played by Correspondence between
York and Philadelphia, in 1857.
{PGN 28}
WHITE. (Phila.) BLACK. (N.Y.) 1. P. to K’s 4th. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B’s 3d. 3. P. to Q’s 4th. 3. Q. Kt. takes P. 4. Kt. takes Kt. 4. P. takes Kt. 5. K. B. to Q. B’s 4th. 5. Q. to K. B’s 3d. 6. Castles. 6. B. to Q. B’s 4th. 7. P. to K’s 5th. 7. Q. to K. B’s 4th. 8. P. to Q. B’s 3d. 8. P. takes P. 9. Kt. takes P. 9. Kt. to K’s 2d. 10. K. B. to Q’s 3d. 10. Q. to K’s 3d. 11. Kt. to K’s 4th. 11. B. to Q’s 5th. 12. Kt. to Kt’s 5th. 12. Q. to Q. Kt’s 3d. 13. Q. to K. R’s 5th. 13. P. to K. Kt’s 3d. 14. Q. to K. R’s 6th. 14. B. takes K. P. 15. K. R. to K’s sq. 15. Q. to K. B’s 3d. 16. Kt. to K. B’s 3d. 16. P. to Q’s 3d. 17. B. to K. Kt’s 5th. 17. Q. to K’s 3d. 18. Kt. takes B. 18. P. takes Kt. 19. Q. R. to Q. B’s sq. 19. K. R. to K. B’s sq. 20. B. to Q. B’s 4th. 20. Q. to K. B’s 4th. 21. B. takes Kt. 21. K. takes B. 22. P. to K. B’s 4th. 22. P. to K’s 5th. 23. B. to Q’s 3d. 23. B. to K’s 3d. 24. B. takes P. 24. Q. to Q. R’s 4th.