... We really cannot see a satisfactory move, for if R. to K’s 3d, then follows Q. to B’s 2d (ch.), and R. to B’s 8th. Or if Q. to Q’s sq. then likewise Q. to B’s 2d (ch.) should gain some advantage, as, on King playing to Kt’s 4th, White could continue with P. to R’s 4th (ch.) and Q. to Q. B’s 5th, &c.—Gunsberg.]
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B’s 3d. 3. P. to Q’s 4th. 3. Kt. takes P.
It is from your third move the opening derives its name of “The Queen’s Pawn Game.”
4. Kt. takes Kt. 4. P. takes Kt. 5. Q. takes P. 5. Kt. to K’s 2d. 6. K. B. to Q. B’s 4th. 6. Kt. to Q. B’s 3d. 7. Q. to her 5th. 7. Q. to K. B’s 3d. (best) 8. Castles. 8. B. to K’s 2d. You have a better opened game, but the superiority is not important.
Beginning at White’s 4th move.
1. P. to K’s 4th. 1. P. to K’s 4th.
2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B’s 3d.
3. P. to Q’s 4th. 3. Kt. takes P.
4. Kt. takes P. 4. Kt. to K’s 3d.
5. K. B. to Q. B’s 4th. 5. K. Kt. to B’s 3d.
6. Castles. 6. P. to Q’s 3d.
7. Kt. to K. Kt’s 4th. 7. B. to K’s 2d.
Your game is less confined than his, but you have very
little advantage.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B’s 3d 3. P. to Q’s 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B’s 4th. 4. K. B. to Q. B’s 4th. 5. P. to Q. B’s 3d. 5. P. to Q’s 6th. 6. P. to Q. Kt’s 4th. 6. B. to Q. Kt’s 3d. 7. P. to Q. Kt’s 5th. 7. Q. to K’s 2d. 8. Castles. 8. Kt. to K’s 4th. 9. Kt. takes Kt. 9. Q. takes Kt. 10. Q. to her Kt’s 3d. 10. Q. to K. B’s 3d, K’s 2d. 11. P. to K’s 5th. You have a fine game.
Beginning at White’s 5th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 1. P. to K’s 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B’s 3d. 3. P. to Q’s 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K’s B. to Q. B’s 4th. 4. K. B. to Q. B’s 4th 5. K. Kt. to his 5th. 5. K. Kt. to R’s 3d. (best) 6. Kt. takes K. B’s P. 6. Kt. takes Kt. 7. B. takes Kt. (ch.) 7. K. takes B. 8. Q. to K. R’s 5th. (ch.) 8. P. to K. Kt’s 3d. 9. Q. takes B. 9. P. to Q’s 3d.