Treatment.—When animals are not aged and of sufficient value to justify treatment, they are best supported in a sling, if halter broken. If subjects are nervous, wild and unbroken, it is possible to employ the sling, if care is given to train the animal to this manner of restraint. The presence of an attendant for a day or two will reassure such subjects so that even in these cases it may be practicable to employ the sling.
Braces and other mechanical appliances intended to immobilize the parts are not of practical benefit in the horse. Unlike the dog, the horse as yet has not been successfully subjected to tolerating rigid braces for the shoulder and hip.
Everything possible must be done that will make for the patient’s comfort. If the subject turns out to be a good self nurse, and the nature of the fracture is such that practical apposition of the broken ends of bone may be maintained, recovery will occur in some cases.
Inflammation of the Elbow. (Arthritis.)
Affections of this articulation other than those which are produced by traumatism are rare. This joint has wide articular surfaces, and securely joined as they are by the heavy medial and lateral ligaments (internal and external lateral ligaments), luxation is practically impossible. When luxation does occur, irreparable injury is usually done. Castagne as quoted by Liautard[15], reports a case of true luxation of the elbow joint in a horse where reduction was effected and complete recovery took place at the end of twenty-five days. This is an unusual case. The average practitioner does not meet with such instances.
Anatomy.—The condyles of the humerus articulate with the glenoid cavities of the radius and a portion of the ulna. Two strong collateral ligaments pass from the distal end of the humerus to the head of the radius. The capsular ligament is a large, loose membrane which encloses the articular portion of the humerus with the radius and ulna and also the radioulnar articulation. It is attached anteriorly to the tendon of the biceps brachii (flexor brachii). The capsule extends downward beneath the origin of these digital flexors. This fact should be remembered in dealing with puncture wounds in the region, lest an error be made in estimating their extent and an open joint be overlooked at the initial examination.