Nerves, affections of, 30
Nerve, femoral, paralysis of the, 204
Nerve, obturator, paralysis of the, 206
Nerve, sciatic, paralysis of the, 208
Nerve, (suprascapular) paralysis of the, 75
Non-infectious lymphangitis, 260
Non-infectious bursitis, 28
Neurectomy, Bossi’s double tarsal, 242
Neurectomy, median, 124
Neurectomy, plantar, 124
Oblique fractures, 18
Observing character of gait, 48
Obturator nerve, paralysis of the, 206
Occurrence, general discussion of, 15
Omphalophlebitis, 25
Open carpal joint, 100
Open fetlock joint, 110
Open joint, 67
Open sheath of flexors of phalanges, 124
Open stifle joint, 220
Open tarsal joint, 229
Os corona, 60
Ossification of cartilages of the third phalanx, 155
Ossification of the lateral cartilages, 155
Os innominatum, 196
Os suffraginis, 59
Osteitis, rarefying, 16
Outward luxation of the patella, 215
Palpation, examination by, 43
Paralysis, brachial, 77
Paralysis of the femoral nerve, 204
Paralysis of the hind leg, 204
Paralysis of the obturator nerve, 206
Paralysis of the sciatic nerve, 208
Paralysis of the suprascapular nerve, 75
Paralysis, radial, 77
Paronychia, 170
Passive movements, 47
Pastern proximal interphalangeal joint, inflammation of ligaments of, 129
Patella, 188
Patella, fracture of the, 212
Patella, luxation of the, 213
Patella, outward luxation of the, 215
Patella, upward luxation of the, 214
Patellar disarticulation, fixed, 213
Patellar disarticulation, momentary, 213
Patellar ligaments, 188
Pelvic bones, fractures of the, 196
Pelvic limbs, anatomo-physiological consideration of the, 185
Penetrative wounds, 85
Periarticular ringbone, 122
Peroneus tertius muscle, 193
Phalangeal exostosis, 118
Phalanges, fracture of first and second, 131
Phalanges, open sheath of flexors of, 124
Phalanx, first, 59
Phalanx, second, 60
Phalanx, third, ossification of cartilages of, 155
Plantar ligaments, 190
Plantar neurectomy, 124
Polyarthritis, 25
Postea-spinatus muscle, 65
Principles, diagnostic, 37
Proximal sesamoid bones, inflammation of, 127
Proximal sesamoids, fracture of, 128
Pubiofemoral ligament, 185
Pubis, fracture of the, 197