Lameness of the Horse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 275 pages of information about Lameness of the Horse.

Lameness of the Horse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 275 pages of information about Lameness of the Horse.

Exclusion, diagnosis by, 53

Exostosis of splint bones, 107

Exostosis, phalangeal, 118

Extensor (long digital) rupture and division of, 253

Extensor of the digit, rupture of, 145

Extensor pedis, 60

Extensor pedis, rupture of, 145

Extensor pedis, rupture and division of, 253


False crepitation, 48

Feet, affection of the, 34

Femoral nerve, paralysis of the, 204

Femeropatella ligaments, 188

Femeropelvic articulation, 185

Femur, 185, 192

Femur, fracture of the, 199

Femur, luxation of the, 201

Fetlock joint, 58

Fetlock joint, arthritis of the, 152

Fetlock joint, luxation of the, 125

Fetlock joint, open, 110

Fetlock region, thecitis and bursitis in, 148

Fetlock, shoe for bracing the, 181

Fibular tarsal bone, fracture of the, 230

Firing, treatment of ringbone by, 123

First phalanx, 59

“Fish knees”, 145

Fixed luxations, 21

Fixed patellar disarticulation, 213

Flexor brachii, 58, 68, 69

Flexor carpiradialis, 93

Flexor carpiulnaris, 93

Flexor metacarpi externus, 94

Flexor metacarpi internus, 93

Flexor metacarpi medius, 93

Flexor metatarsi, 193

Flexor, superficial digital, 194

Flexor tendons, contraction of the, 137

Flexor tendons, inflammation of the, 135

Flexor tendons, rupture of, 146

Flexors of phalanges, open sheath of, 124

Foals, contracted tendons of, 143

Forearm, wounds of, 90

Fore leg, lameness in the, 55

Fracture of the carpal bones, 96

Fracture of the femur, 199

Fracture of the fibular tarsal bone, 230

Fracture of first and second phalanges, 131

Fracture of humerus, 82

Fracture of the ilium, 198

Fracture of the ischial tuberosity, 199

Fracture of the metacarpus, 106

Fracture of the patella, 212

Fractures of the pelvic bones, 196

Fracture of the proximal sesamoids, 128

Fracture of the pubis, 197

Fracture of the radius, 87

Fracture of the scapula, 62

Fracture of the tibia, 222

Fracture of the tibial tarsal bone, 230

Fracture of the ulna, 86

Fractures, 16

Fractures, comminuted, 17

Fractures, compound, 17

Fractures, green stick, 18

Fractures, impacted, 19

Fractures, longitudinal, 18

Fractures, multiple, 18

Fractures, multiple longitudinal, 19

Fractures, oblique, 18

Fractures, simple, 17

Project Gutenberg
Lameness of the Horse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.