Lameness of the Horse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 275 pages of information about Lameness of the Horse.

Lameness of the Horse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 275 pages of information about Lameness of the Horse.

Treatment.—­An active purgative should be given at once and in the ordinary case, stimulants are indicated.  If marked distress is present, morphin is given and where there is much rise of temperature, cold drinking water is offered in abundance and catharsis is enhanced by enemata.  Locally, hot applications are of benefit.  Hot towels or cotton held in position by bandages and kept soaked with warm water will relieve pain and stimulate resolution.  Diuretics may be of benefit and anodyne applications are to be employed with profit in some cases.  Walking exercise, if not indulged in to excess, is helpful as soon as acute inflammation has subsided.  By giving careful attention to the regimen and providing regular exercise for susceptible subjects, this type of lymphangitis is often forestalled.


[Footnote 34:  Manual of Veterinary Physiology.  Page 610.]

[Footnote 35:  Manual of Veterinary Physiology, page 601.]

[Footnote 36:  Case report at meeting of the Iowa State Veterinary Medical Association, Jan., 1904, by Dr. S.H.  Bauman, Birmingham, Ia.]

[Footnote 37:  Regional Veterinary Surgery and Operative Technique, by John A.W.  Dollar, M.R.C.V.S., F.R.S.E., M.R.I., page 733.]

[Footnote 38:  As quoted by A. Liautard, M.D., V.M., American Veterinary Review, Vol. 37, page 667.]

[Footnote 39:  Quoted by Prof.  Liautard, American Veterinary Review, Vol. 33, page 190.]

[Footnote 40:  Traite de Therapeutique Chirurgical des Animaux Domestique par P.J.  Cadiot et J. Almy, Tome second, page 460.]

[Footnote 41:  Traite de Therapeutique Chirurgical, Tome second, page 465.]

[Footnote 42:  Luxation of the Femur, by Wm. V. Lusk, Veterinary Surgeon, U.S.  Cavalry, American Veterinary Review, Vol. 21, page 254.]

[Footnote 43:  Because of the intimacy of the psoas major (p. magnus) and the iliacus they are sometimes called iliopsoas.]

[Footnote 44:  Dr. John Scott, Peoria, Ill., in The American Veterinary Review, Vol. 16, page 16.]

[Footnote 45:  Annotation on Surgical Items, by Drs. L.A. and Edward Merillat, American Veterinary Review, Vol. 31, page 358.]

[Footnote 46:  W.L.  Williams in American Veterinary Review, Vol. 21, page 452.]

[Footnote 47:  Geo. H. Berns, D.V.S., report, American Veterinary Medical Association, 1912, page 238.]

[Footnote 48:  Joseph Hughes, M.R.C.V.S., in the Chicago Veterinary College Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 10, page 15.]

[Footnote 49:  Traite de Therap.  Chir.  Cadiot et Almy, Tome second, page 480.]

[Footnote 50:  E. Wallis Hoare, F.R.C.V.S., American Veterinary Review, Vol. 27, page 1189.]

[Footnote 51:  Discussions on paper entitled “The Spavin Group of Lamenesses,” by W.L.  Williams, Carl W. Fisher and D.H.  Udall, Proceedings of American Veterinary Medical Association, 1905.]

Project Gutenberg
Lameness of the Horse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.