The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 546 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1.

The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 546 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1.
various states was then at its height, and though there might be a question whether it would finally result in the victory of Tsin, or of Ts’oo, or of Ts’in, there could be no doubt that the sceptre had already passed from the hands of the ruler of Chow.  To men therefore who were fighting over the possessions of a state which had ceased to live, the idea of employing a minister whose principal object would have been to breathe life into the dead bones of Chow, was ridiculous.  This soon became apparent to his disciples, who being even more concerned than their master at his loss of office, and not taking so exalted a view as he did of what he considered to be a heaven-sent mission, were inclined to urge him to make concessions in harmony with the times.  “Your principles,” said Tsze-kung to him, “are excellent, but they are unacceptable in the empire, would it not be well therefore to bate them a little?” “A good husbandman,” replied the Sage, “can sow, but he cannot secure a harvest.  An artisan may excel in handicraft, but he cannot provide a market for his goods.  And in the same way a superior man can cultivate his principles, but he cannot make them acceptable.”

But Confucius was at least determined that no efforts on his part should be wanting to discover the opening for which he longed, and on leaving Loo he betook himself to the state of Wei.  On arriving at the capital, the reigning duke received him with distinction, but showed no desire to employ him.  Probably expecting, however, to gain some advantage from the counsels of the Sage in the art of governing, he determined to attach him to his court by the grant of an annual stipend of sixty thousand measures of grain—­that having been the value of the post he had just resigned in Loo.  Had the experiences of his public life come up to the sanguine hopes he had entertained at its beginning, Confucius would probably have declined this offer as he did that of the Duke of T’se some years before, but poverty unconsciously impelled him to act up to the advice of Tsze-kung and to bate his principles of conduct somewhat.  His stay, however, in Wei was of short duration.  The officials at the court, jealous probably of the influence they feared he might gain over the duke, intrigued against him, and Confucius thought it best to bow before the coming storm.  After living on the duke’s hospitality for ten months, he left the capital, intending to visit the state of Ch’in.

It chanced, however, that the way thither led him through the town of Kwang, which had suffered much from the filibustering expeditions of a notorious disturber of the public peace, named Yang-Hoo.  To this man of ill-fame Confucius bore a striking resemblance, so much so that the townspeople, fancying that they now had their old enemy in their power, surrounded the house in which he lodged for five days, intending to attack him.  The situation was certainly disquieting, and the disciples were much alarmed. 

Project Gutenberg
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.