Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 821 pages of information about Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3).

Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 821 pages of information about Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3).

We only trace the rise of feux-de-joie, or fireworks, given merely for amusing spectacles to delight the eye, to the epocha of the invention of powder and cannon, at the close of the thirteenth century.  It was these two inventions, doubtless, whose effects furnished the ideas of all those machines and artifices which form the charms of these fires.

To the Florentines and the Siennese are we indebted not only for the preparation of powder with other ingredients to amuse the eyes, but also for the invention of elevated machines and decorations adapted to augment the pleasure of the spectacle.  They began their attempts at the feasts of Saint John the Baptist and the Assumption, on wooden edifices, which they adorned with painted statues, from whose mouth and eyes issued a beautiful fire.  Callot has engraven numerous specimens of the pageants, triumphs, and processions, under a great variety of grotesque forms:—­dragons, swans, eagles, &c., which were built up large enough to carry many persons, while they vomited forth the most amusing firework.

This use passed from Florence to Rome, where, at the creation of the popes, they displayed illuminations of hand-grenadoes, thrown from the height of a castle. Pyrotechnics from that time have become an art, which, in the degree the inventors have displayed ability in combining the powers of architecture, sculpture, and painting, have produced a number of beautiful effects, which even give pleasure to those who read the descriptions without having beheld them.[6]

A pleasing account of decorated fireworks is given in the Secret Memoirs of France.  In August, 1764, Torre, an Italian artist, obtained permission to exhibit a pyrotechnic operation.—­The Parisians admired the variety of the colours, and the ingenious forms of his fire.  But his first exhibition was disturbed by the populace, as well as by the apparent danger of the fire, although it was displayed on the Boulevards.  In October it was repeated; and proper precautions having been taken, they admired the beauty of the fire, without fearing it.  These artificial fires are described as having been rapidly and splendidly executed.  The exhibition closed with a transparent triumphal arch, and a curtain illuminated by the same fire, admirably exhibiting the palace of Pluto.  Around the columns, stanzas were inscribed, supported by Cupids, with other fanciful embellishments.  Among these little pieces of poetry appeared the following one, which ingeniously announced a more perfect exhibition: 

Les vents, les frimats, les orages,
Eteindront ces FEUX, pour un tems;
Mais, ainsi que les FLEURS, avec plus d’avautage,
Ils renaitront dans le printems.


The icy gale, the falling snow,
Extinction to these FIRES shall bring;
But, like the FLOWERS, with brighter glow,
They shall renew their charms in spring.

Project Gutenberg
Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.