Poems eBook

Denis Florence MacCarthy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about Poems.

Poems eBook

Denis Florence MacCarthy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about Poems.


  The Ages deg. 
  The Yellow Violet
  Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood
  Song.—­“Soon as the glazed and gleaming snow”
  To a Waterfowl
  Green River
  A Winter Piece
  The West Wind
  The Burial-place. deg.  A Fragment
  Blessed are they that Mourn
  No Man knoweth his Sepulchre
  A Walk at Sunset
  Hymn to Death
  The Massacre at Scio deg. 
  The Indian Girl’s Lament deg. 
  Ode for an Agricultural Celebration
  The Old Man’s Funeral
  The Rivulet
  An Indian Story
  Summer Wind
  An Indian at the Burial-place of his Fathers
  Song—­“Dost thou idly ask to hear”
  Hymn of the Waldenses
  Monument Mountain deg. 
  After a Tempest
  Autumn Woods
  Song of the Greek Amazon
  To a Cloud
  The Murdered Traveller deg. 
  Hymn to the North Star
  The Lapse of Time
  Song of the Stars
  A Forest Hymn
  “Oh fairest of the rural maids”
  “I broke the spell that held me long”
  A Song of Pitcairn’s Island
  The Skies
  “I cannot forget with what fervid devotion”
  To a Musquito
  Lines on Revisiting the Country
  The Death of the Flowers
  A Meditation on Rhode Island Coal
  The New Moon
  The Damsel of Peru
  The African Chief deg. 
  Spring in Town
  The Gladness of Nature
  The Disinterred Warrior
  The Greek Partisan
  The Two Graves
  The Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus deg. 
  A Summer Ramble
  Scene on the Banks of the Hudson
  The Hurricane deg. 
  Sonnet.—­William Tell deg. 
  The Hunter’s Serenade deg. 
  The Greek Boy
  The Past
  “Upon the mountain’s distant head”
  The Evening Wind
  “When the firmament quivers with daylight’s young beam”
  “Innocent child and snow-white flower”
  To the River Arve
  Sonnet.—­To Cole, the Painter, departing for Europe
  To the fringed Gentian
  The Twenty-second of December
  Hymn of the City
  The Prairie deg. 
  Song of Marion’s Men deg. 
  The Arctic Lover
  The Journey of Life

  Version of a Fragment of Simonides
  From the Spanish of Villegas
  Mary Magdalen. deg. (From the Spanish of Bartolome Leonardo
    de Argensola)
  The Life of the Blessed. (From the Spanish of Luis Ponce
    de Leon)
  Fatima and Raduan. deg. (From the Spanish)
  Love and Folly. deg. (From la Fontaine)
  The Siesta. (From the Spanish)
  The Alcayde of Molina. deg. (From the Spanish)
  The Death of Aliatar. deg. (From the Spanish)
  Love in the Age of Chivalry. deg. (From Peyre Vidal, the
  The Love of God. deg. (From the Provencal

Project Gutenberg
Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.