A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln.

A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln.
  interest in the theater, 536;
  attends Ford’s Theater, 536, 537;
  death of, 538-540;
  his death prevents organized rejoicing at downfall of rebellion, 544;
  mourning for, 544-548;
  feeling of radicals at death of, 545;
  funeral ceremonies of, in Washington, 545, 546;
  funeral journey to Springfield, Illinois, 546, 547;
  burial at Springfield, 547, 548;
  his character and career, 549-555;
  his place in history, 555

=Lincoln, Abraham=, grandfather of the President,
  emigrates from Virginia to Kentucky, 3, 4;
  killed by Indians, 4

=Lincoln, Edward Baker=, son of President Lincoln, birth of, 69;
  death of, 69

=Lincoln, Isaac=, settles on Holston River, 5

=Lincoln, Josiah=, uncle of the President, goes to fort for assistance against Indians, 4

=Lincoln, Mary=, aunt of the President, 4

=Lincoln, Mary Todd=, wife of the President, engagement to Lincoln, 63, 64;
  writes “Lost Townships” letters, 66;
  marriage to Lincoln, November 4, 1842, 68, 69;
  children of, 69;
  death of, 69;
  accompanies Mr. Lincoln to Washington, 168;
  drive with her husband, April 14, 1865, 532;
  invites friends to attend Ford’s Theater, 536;
  attends theater with her husband, 538;
  at Lincoln’s death-bed, 539

=Lincoln, Mordecai=, uncle of the President
  defends homestead against Indians, 4;
  inherits his father’s lands, 4

=Lincoln, Nancy=, aunt of the President, 4

=Lincoln, Nancy Hanks=, mother of the President,
  marries Thomas Lincoln, June 12, 1806, 5;
teaches her husband to sign his name, 5;
  birth of daughter, 5;
  birth of Abraham, son of, 6;
  death of, 9

=Lincoln, Robert Todd=, son of the President,
  Secretary of War, minister to England, birth of, 69;
  public services, 69;
  accompanies Mr. Lincoln to Washington, 168;
  on Grant’s staff, 517;
  with his father April 14, 1865, 532;
  at Lincoln’s death-bed, 540

=Lincoln, Samuel=, ancestor of the President, emigrates to America, 3

=Lincoln, Sarah=, sister of the President, born, 5;
  goes to school, 6

=Lincoln, Sarah Bush Johnston=.  See Johnston, Sarah Bush

=Lincoln, Thomas=, father of the President, 3;
  narrowly escapes capture by Indians, 4;
  learns carpenter’s trade, 5;
  marries Nancy Hanks, June 12, 1806, 5;
  daughter of, born, 5;
  removes to Rock Spring Farm, 5, 6;
  Abraham, son of, born, 6;
  buys farm on Knob Creek, 6;
  emigrates to Indiana, 7, 8;
  death of his wife, 9;
  marries Sally Bush Johnston, 10;
  emigrates to Illinois, 20

=Lincoln, Thomas=, son of President Lincoln, birth of, 69;
  death of, 69;
  accompanies Mr. Lincoln to Washington, 168

=Lincoln, William Wallace=, son of President Lincoln, birth of, 69;
  death of, 69, 293;
  accompanies Mr. Lincoln to Washington, 168

Project Gutenberg
A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.