[The figures refer to the divisions of the poem in which the respective names occur. The large figures refer to fitts, the small, to lines in the fitts.]
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AElfhere.—A kinsman of Wiglaf.—36_3.
AEschere.—Confidential friend of King Hrothgar. Elder brother of Yrmenlaf. Killed by Grendel.—21_3; 30_89.
Beanstan.—Father of Breca.—9_26.
Beowulf.—Son of Scyld, the founder of the dynasty of Scyldings. Father of Healfdene, and grandfather of Hrothgar.—1_18; 2_1.
Beowulf.—The hero of the poem. Sprung from the stock of Geats, son of Ecgtheow. Brought up by his maternal grandfather Hrethel, and figuring in manhood as a devoted liegeman of his uncle Higelac. A hero from his youth. Has the strength of thirty men. Engages in a swimming-match with Breca. Goes to the help of Hrothgar against the monster Grendel. Vanquishes Grendel and his mother. Afterwards becomes king of the Geats. Late in life attempts to kill a fire-spewing dragon, and is slain. Is buried with great honors. His memorial mound.—6_26; 7_2; 7_9; 9_3; 9_8; 12_28; 12_43; 23_1, etc.
Breca.—Beowulf’s opponent in the famous swimming-match.—9_8; 9_19; 9_21; 9_22.
Brondings.—A people ruled by Breca.—9_23.
Brosinga mene.—A famous collar once owned by the Brosings.—19_7.
Cain.—Progenitor of Grendel and other monsters.—2_56; 20_11.
Daeghrefn.—A warrior of the Hugs, killed by Beowulf.—35_40.
Danes.—Subjects of Scyld and his descendants, and hence often called Scyldings. Other names for them are Victory-Scyldings, Honor-Scyldings, Armor-Danes, Bright-Danes, East-Danes, West-Danes, North-Danes, South-Danes, Ingwins, Hrethmen.—1_1; 2_1; 3_2; 5_14; 7_1, etc.
Ecglaf.—Father of Unferth, who taunts Beowulf.—9_1.
Ecgtheow.—Father of Beowulf, the hero of the poem. A widely-known Waegmunding warrior. Marries Hrethel’s daughter. After slaying Heatholaf, a Wylfing, he flees his country.—7_3; 5_6; 8_4.
Ecgwela.—A king of the Danes before Scyld.—25_60.
Elan.—Sister of Hrothgar, and probably wife of Ongentheow, king of the Swedes.—2_10.
Eagle Cape.—A promontory in Geat-land, under which took place Beowulf’s last encounter.—41_87.
Eadgils.—Son of Ohthere and brother of Eanmund.—34_2.
Eanmund.—Son of Ohthere and brother of Eadgils. The reference to these brothers is vague, and variously understood. Heyne supposes as follows: Raising a revolt against their father, they are obliged to leave Sweden. They go to the land of the Geats; with what intention, is not known, but probably to conquer and plunder. The Geatish king, Heardred, is slain by one of the brothers, probably Eanmund.—36_10; 31_54 to 31_60; 33_66 to 34_6.