The Art of Public Speaking eBook

Stephen Lucas
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 590 pages of information about The Art of Public Speaking.

The Art of Public Speaking eBook

Stephen Lucas
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 590 pages of information about The Art of Public Speaking.

Both these reforms, so vital to honest American business, the Progressive party will accomplish.  Neither evil interests nor reckless demagogues can swerve us from our purpose; for we are free from both and fear neither.

We mean to put new business laws on our statute books which will tell American business men what they can do and what they cannot do.  We mean to make our business laws clear instead of foggy—­to make them plainly state just what things are criminal and what are lawful.  And we mean that the penalty for things criminal shall be prison sentences that actually punish the real offender, instead of money fines that hurt nobody but the people, who must pay them in the end.

And then we mean to send the message forth to hundreds of thousands of brilliant minds and brave hearts engaged in honest business, that they are not criminals but honorable men in their work to make good business in this Republic.  Sure of victory, we even now say, “Go forward, American business men, and know that behind you, supporting you, encouraging you, are the power and approval of the greatest people under the sun.  Go forward, American business men, and feed full the fires beneath American furnaces; and give employment to every American laborer who asks for work.  Go forward, American business men, and capture the markets of the world for American trade; and know that on the wings of your commerce you carry liberty throughout the world and to every inhabitant thereof.  Go forward, American business men, and realize that in the time to come it shall be said of you, as it is said of the hand that rounded Peter’s Dome, ‘he builded better than he knew.’”

The next great business reform we must have to steadily increase American prosperity is to change the method of building our tariffs.  The tariff must be taken out of politics and treated as a business question instead of as a political question.  Heretofore, we have done just the other thing.  That is why American business is upset every few years by unnecessary tariff upheavals and is weakened by uncertainty in the periods between.  The greatest need of business is certainty; but the only thing certain about our tariff is uncertainty.

What, then, shall we do to make our tariff changes strengthen business instead of weakening business?  Rival protective tariff nations have answered that question.  Common sense has answered it.  Next to our need to make the Sherman law modern, understandable and just, our greatest fiscal need is a genuine, permanent, non-partisan tariff commission.

Five years ago, when the fight for this great business measure was begun in the Senate the bosses of both parties were against it.  So, when the last revision of the tariff was on and a tariff commission might have been written into the tariff law, the administration would not aid this reform.  When two years later the administration supported it weakly, the bi-partisan boss system killed it.  There has not been and will not be any sincere and honest effort by the old parties to get a tariff commission.  There has not been and will not be any sincere and honest purpose by those parties to take the tariff out of politics.

Project Gutenberg
The Art of Public Speaking from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.