The Art of Public Speaking eBook

Stephen Lucas
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 590 pages of information about The Art of Public Speaking.

The Art of Public Speaking eBook

Stephen Lucas
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 590 pages of information about The Art of Public Speaking.
He read it again, verified it, and then said, “My friends, this is the first time I ever met this in the Bible, but I accept it as an evidence of the assertion that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.”  If I could get you to hold such faith to-night, I could proceed cheerfully to the task I otherwise approach with a sense of consecration.

Now and then a speaker will plunge without introduction into an anecdote, leaving the application to follow.  The following illustrates this method: 

A large, slew-footed darky was leaning against the corner of the railroad station in a Texas town when the noon whistle in the canning factory blew and the hands hurried out, bearing their grub buckets.  The darky listened, with his head on one side until the rocketing echo had quite died away.  Then he heaved a deep sigh and remarked to himself: 

    “Dar she go.  Dinner time for some folks—­but jes’ 12 o’clock fur

    That is the situation in thousands of American factories, large
    and small, today.  And why? etc., etc.

Doubtless the most frequent platform use of the anecdote is in the pulpit.  The sermon “illustration,” however, is not always strictly narrative in form, but tends to extended comparison, as the following from Dr. Alexander Maclaren: 

Men will stand as Indian fakirs do, with their arms above their heads until they stiffen there.  They will perch themselves upon pillars like Simeon Stylites, for years, till the birds build their nests in their hair.  They will measure all the distance from Cape Comorin to Juggernaut’s temple with their bodies along the dusty road.  They will wear hair shirts and scourge themselves.  They will fast and deny themselves.  They will build cathedrals and endow churches.  They will do as many of you do, labor by fits and starts all thru your lives at the endless task of making yourselves ready for heaven, and winning it by obedience and by righteousness.  They will do all these things and do them gladly, rather than listen to the humbling message that says, “You do not need to do anything—­wash.”  Is it your washing, or the water, that will clean you?  Wash and be clean!  Naaman’s cleaning was only a test of his obedience, and a token that it was God who cleansed him.  There was no power in Jordan’s waters to take away the taint of leprosy.  Our cleansing is in that blood of Jesus Christ that has the power to take away all sin, and to make the foulest amongst us pure and clean.

One final word must be said about the introduction to the anecdote.  A clumsy, inappropriate introduction is fatal, whereas a single apt or witty sentence will kindle interest and prepare a favorable hearing.  The following extreme illustration, by the English humorist, Captain Harry Graham, well satirizes the stumbling manner: 

Project Gutenberg
The Art of Public Speaking from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.