Cinderella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about Cinderella.

Cinderella eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about Cinderella.

Van Bibber’s partner caught him laughing at Grahame West’s vain efforts to amuse, and said, tolerantly, that Mr. West was certainly comical, but that she had a lady friend with her who could recite pieces which were that comic that you’d die of laughing.  She presented her friend to Van Bibber, and he said he hoped that they were going to hear her recite, as laughing must be a pleasant death.  But the young lady explained that she had had the misfortune to lose her only brother that summer, and that she had given up everything but dancing in consequence.  She said she did not think it looked right to see a girl in mourning recite comic monologues.

Van Bibber struggled to be sympathetic, and asked what her brother had died of?  She told him that “he died of a Thursday,” and the conversation came to an embarrassing pause.

Van Bibber’s partner had another friend in a gray corduroy waistcoat and tan shoes, who was of Hebraic appearance.  He also wore several very fine rings, and officiated with what was certainly religious tolerance at the M.E.  Bethel Church.  She said he was an elegant or—­gan—­ist, putting the emphasis on the second syllable, which made Van Bibber think that she was speaking of some religious body to which he belonged.  But the organist made his profession clear by explaining that the committee had just invited him to oblige the company with a solo on the piano, but that he had been hitting the champagne so hard that he doubted if he could tell the keys from the pedals, and he added that if they’d excuse him he would go to sleep, which he immediately did with his head on the shoulder of the lady recitationist, who tactfully tried not to notice that he was there.

They were all waltzing again, and as Van Bibber guided his partner for a second time around the room, he noticed a particularly handsome girl in a walking-dress, who was doing some sort of a fancy step with a solemn, grave-faced young man in the hotel livery.  They seemed by their manner to know each other very well, and they had apparently practised the step that they were doing often before.

The girl was much taller than the man, and was superior to him in every way.  Her movements were freer and less conscious, and she carried her head and shoulders as though she had never bent them above a broom.  Her complexion was soft and her hair of the finest, deepest auburn.  Among all the girls upon the floor she was the most remarkable, even if her dancing had not immediately distinguished her.

The step which she and her partner were exhibiting was one that probably had been taught her by a professor of dancing at some East Side academy, at the rate of fifty cents per hour, and which she no doubt believed was the latest step danced in the gilded halls of the Few Hundred.  In this waltz the two dancers held each other’s hands, and the man swung his partner behind him, and then would turn and take up the step with her where they had dropped it; or they

Project Gutenberg
Cinderella from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.