8. I have desired to represent all the above, so that your Majesty may be pleased to order the royal Audiencia not to meddle in the affairs of the Sangleys, whether they concern government, or war, or justice. For if it has been advisable to order that—as is ordered in Nueva Espana (and the same is petitioned here)—the Audiencia do not meddle with the suits of the Indians, it will be much more advisable to observe the same in regard to the Sangleys, for the above stated reasons.
9. Likewise I have been advised that it is necessary for many matters, both of grace and of justice, that it be declared whether the governor of these islands possesses your Majesty’s authority in his government and district; and whether he represents your royal person with the privilege of alternates which the viceroys possess in their districts. Although one would believe that it must be so by law, since the person of the governor is that which is here in your Majesty’s name, and the so great distance to that court dictates how necessary it is in many cases that the governors have the authority of doing what your Majesty would do if present, with the obligation of reporting it to your Majesty; still in certain cases of grace and justice that have arisen since my arrival at these islands, the lawyers have declared that this was not plainly stated; and, consequently, I propose them to your Majesty. [In the margin: “Let him observe the tenor of his warrant, and the decrees and orders given regarding it.”]
10. Likewise it would be necessary that the same courtesy be ordered to be shown to the governors of the Filipinas Islands as to the viceroys in Nueva Espana, since in regard to them there are also here the same reasons and advisability for doing so. By this some little matters that have caused me innovations would be avoided. Although I pass these over, it might be that in the time of my successors they would cause some opposition. Such are for instance, that the auditors, do not permit the governor’s wife to go to the church with her husband when the assembly goes there in a body; and that the preachers do not salute the governor with words, as it is the custom to do in all the kingdoms to the person who has the authority of representing that of your Majesty. [In the margin: “Let the custom be followed.”]