who they are, declares ’They (the 303 and 3003)
are only the various powers of them, in reality there
are only thirty-three gods’ (B/ri/. Up.
III, 9, 1, 2); showing thereby that one and the same
divine Self may at the same time appear in many forms.
After that it proceeds to show that these thirty-three
gods themselves are in reality contained in six, five,
&c., and, finally, by replying to the question, ’Who
is the one god?’ that Breath is the one god,
shows that the gods are all forms of Breath, and that
Breath, therefore, can at the same time appear in
many forms.—Sm/ri/ti also has a similar
statement, ’A Yogin, O hero of the Bharatas,
may, by his power, multiply his Self in many thousand
shapes, and in them walk about on the earth. In
some he may enjoy the objects, in others he may undergo
dire penance, and, finally, he may again retract them
all, just as the sun retracts the multitude of his
rays.’ If such Sm/ri/ti passages as the
above declare that even Yogins, who have merely acquired
various extraordinary powers, such as subtlety of
body, and the like, may animate several bodies at the
same time, how much more capable of such feats must
the gods be, who naturally possess all supernatural
powers. The gods thus being able to assume several
shapes, a god may divide himself into many forms and
enter into relation with many sacrifices at the same
time, remaining all the while unseen by others, in
consequence of his power to render himself invisible.
The latter part of the Sutra may be explained in a
different manner also, viz. as meaning that even
beings enjoying corporeal individuality are seen to
enter into mere subordinate relation to more than one
action. Sometimes, indeed, one individual does
not at the same time enter into subordinate relation
to different actions; one Brahma/n/a, for instance,
is not at the same time entertained by many entertainers.
But in other cases one individual stands in subordinate
relation to many actions at the same time; one Brahma/n/a,
for instance, may constitute the object of the reverence
done to him by many persons at the same time.
Similarly, it is possible that, as the sacrifice consists
in the parting (on the part of the sacrificer with
some offering) with a view (to some divinity), many
persons may at the same time part with their respective
offerings, all of them having in view one and the same
individual divinity. The individuality of the
gods does not, therefore, involve any contradiction
in sacrificial works.
28. If it be said (that a contradiction will
result) in respect of the word; we refute this objection
on the ground that (the world) originates from the
word, as is shown by perception and inference.