Oddsfish! eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Oddsfish!.

Oddsfish! eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Oddsfish!.

He had risen at my knock, and was standing in the light of the window.  He was dressed in a dark suit, very plain, yet of very rich stuff, and had laid his periwig aside, so that I could see his features.  He was a dark secret-looking man with his eyes set near together, and with a lip so short that it seemed as if he sneered; he stooped a little too.  Yet I am bound to say that his manner was perfection itself.

“Mr. Chiffinch,” I said.  And at that he bowed.

“I am Mr. Roger Mallock,” I said; “and I was bidden to come here at this hour.”

“I am honoured to meet you, Mr. Mallock,” he said.  “I have had His Majesty’s instructions very particular in your regard.  I am ashamed that you should find me so unready; but I will not keep you above five minutes, if you will sit down for a little.”

He made haste to set me a chair near the window; and with another apology or two he went out of a second door.  The room in which he left me was like the suit that he wore—­in that it was both plain and rich.  There were three or four chairs with arms; a table, with twisted legs, on which lay a great heap of papers and a pair of candlesticks:  and there was a tall lightly-carved press, with locks, between the windows.  The walls were plain, with a few good engravings hung upon them.  I went up to examine one, and found it to be a new one, by Faithorne.

Now that I was drawing so near to the King, I found my apprehensions returning upon me, for half my success, I knew, if not all, turned upon the manner I first shewed to him.  I knew very well that I could bear myself with sufficient address; but sufficient address was not all that was needed:  I must so act that His Majesty would remember me afterwards, and with pleasure.  Yet how was I to ensure this?

As I was so thinking to myself, Mr. Chiffinch came in again, having, with marvellous speed, changed his suit into one of brown velvet, with a great black periwig, from which his sharp face looked out like a ferret from a hole.

“I must ask your pardon, Mr. Mallock,” he said, as I stood up to meet him, “again and again; but I have scarcely an hour to myself day or night.  Duty treads on the heels of duty all day long.  But we have still time:  His Majesty does not expect us till half-past five.”

I made the usual compliments and answers, to which he bowed again; and then, as I thought he would, he began upon what was not his business—­at least I thought not then.

“You are come from Rome, I hear.  I trust that His Holiness was in good health?”

“The reports were excellent,” I said, determined not to be taken in this way.

“You have seen His Holiness lately, no doubt?”

“It was the French and Spanish ambassadors,” I said, “who gave me my letters.  A poor gentleman like myself does not see the Holy Father once in a twelvemonth.”

He seemed contented with that; and I think he put me down as something of a well-bred simpleton, which was precisely what I wished him to think; for his manner changed a little.

Project Gutenberg
Oddsfish! from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.