The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 177 pages of information about The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church.

The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 177 pages of information about The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church.

We conclude with the eloquent words of Dr. Seiss:  “We do not say that none but Lutherans in name and profession can be saved.  But we do assert that if salvation cannot be attained in the Lutheran Church, or the highway of eternal life cannot be found in her, there is no such thing as salvation.  There is no God but the God she confesses.  There is no sacred Scripture which she does not receive and teach.  There is no Christ but the Christ of her confession, hope and trust.  There are no means of Grace ordained of God, but those which she uses, and insists on having used.  There are no promises and conditions of divine acceptance, but those which she puts before men for their comfort.  And there is no other true Ministry, Church, or Faith, than that which she acknowledges and holds.”


My Church! my Church! my dear old Church! 
My fathers’ and my own! 
On Prophets and Apostles built,
And Christ the Corner-stone! 
All else beside, by storm or tide
May yet be overthrown;
But not my Church, my dear old Church,
My fathers’ and my own!

     My Church! my Church! my dear old Church! 
       My glory and my pride! 
     Firm in the faith Immanuel taught,
       She holds no faith beside. 
     Upon this rock, ’gainst every shock,
       Though gates of hell assail,
     She stands secure, with promise sure,
       “They never shall prevail.”

     My Church! my Church! my dear old Church! 
       I love her ancient name;
     And God forbid a child of hers
       Should ever do her shame! 
     Her mother-care I’ll ever share,
       Her child I am alone,
     Till He who gave me to her arms
       Shall call me to His own.

     My Church! my Church! my dear old Church! 
       I’ve heard the tale of blood,
     Of hearts that loved her to the death—­
       The great, the wise, the good. 
     Our martyred sires defied the fires
       For Christ the Crucified;
     The once-delivered faith to keep
       They burned, they bled, they died.

     My Church! my Church!  I love my Church,
       For she exalts my Lord;
     She speaks, she breathes, she teaches not
       But from His written Word;
     And if her voice bids me rejoice,
       From all my sins released,
     ‘Tis through th’ atoning sacrifice,
       And Jesus is the Priest.

     My Church! my Church!  I love my Church,
       For she doth lead me on
     To Zion’s palace Beautiful,
       Where Christ my Lord hath gone. 
     From all below she bids me go
       To Him, the Life, the Way,
     The truth to guide my erring feet
       From darkness into day.

     Then here, my Church! my dear old Church! 
       Thy child would add a vow
     To that whose token once was signed
       Upon his infant brow: 
     Assault who may, kiss and betray,
       Dishonor and disown,

Project Gutenberg
The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.