Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 757 pages of information about Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1.

Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 757 pages of information about Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1.
| | | | |-Applied Biology. | | | | | | | |-Medicine. | | | | | |-VI.  APPLIED PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES. | | |-Psychotechnical Sciences. | | | |-Psychological Pedagogy. | | | |-Psychological Penology. | | | | | |-Psychiatry. | | | |-APPLIED KNOWLEDGE OF PURPOSES. | |-VII.  APPLIED NORMATIVE SCIENCES. | | |-Volition. | | | |-Politics. | | | | |-Science of Public Service. | | | | | | | |-Law. | | | | |-Science of Legal Service. (Practical Jurisprudence.) | | | | | | | |-Economy. | | | |-Science of Social Service. | | | | | |-Thoughts. | | | |-Science of Teaching. (Education.) | | | | | |-Appreciation. | | | |-Science of Artistic Production. | | | | | |-Belief. | | |-Science of Religious Service. (Practical Theology.) | | | |-VIII.  APPLIED HISTORICAL SCIENCES. | |-Volition. | | |-Criticism of State. | | |-Criticism of Law. | | | |-Thoughts. | | |-Criticism of Science. | | | |-Appreciation. | | |-Criticism of Art. | | | |-Belief. | |-Criticism of Religion. | |-APPRECIATION (will resting in isolated experiences). | |-Individual:  Enjoyment. | |-Overindividual:  Beauty. | |-BELIEF (will resting in the supplements of experience). |-Individual:  Creed. |-Overindividual:  Religion.

NOTE:  The letters a, b, c_ below the sciences of Special Objects and Special Acts indicate the three subdivisions that results from the threefold aspects;—­of structure(a), of relation to the general laws or theories(b), and of development(c).  With regards to physical phenomena, for instances, we have astronomy(a), astrophysics(b), and cosmology(c); or geography(a), geophysics(b), geology(c); or botany(a), plant physiology(b), phylogenetic development of plants(c).  In the same way for psychical objects; for instance:  structural sociology(a), functional sociology(b), comparative sociology(c); or structure (grammar and syntax) of languages(a), psychology of languages(b), comparative study of languages(c).  With regard to the telelogical historical sciences the study of structure takes on here the character of intrepretation; the relation to the general view is here the dependence on civilization and the development is here the real history.  We have thus, for instance, the intepretation of Roman law(a), dependence of Roman law upon civilization(b), history of Roman law(c).

Project Gutenberg
Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.