Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 757 pages of information about Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1.

Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 757 pages of information about Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1.
LIFE (in its immediate reality, felt as a system of telelogical
|    experiences, involving the acknowledgement of other subjects of
|     experiences)
|-VOLITION (will aiming towards new experiences).
| |-Individual:  Practical Life.
| |-Overindividual:  Mortality.
|-THOUGHT (will acknowledging the connection of experiences).
| |-Individual:  Judgement
| |-Overindividual:  TRUTH
|   |-THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE (connection of experiences determined by
|   | |                      pure experience).
|   | |
|   | |-KNOWLEDGE OF PHENOMENA (connection of experiences after
|   | | |                       abstracting their will relations).
|   | | |-Knowledge of Phenomena Given to Overindividual Consciousness.
|   | | | |-I.  PHYSICAL SCIENCES.
|   | | |   |-A.  GENERAL LAWS.
|   | | |   | |-Mechanics.
|   | | |   |   |-Physics.
|   | | |   |   |-Chemistry.
|   | | |   |
|   | | |   |-B.  SPECIAL OBJECTS.
|   | | |     |-1.  Universe.
|   | | |     | |-Astronomy a, b, c.
|   | | |     |
|   | | |     |-2.  Special Parts.
|   | | |     | |-Geography a, b, c.
|   | | |     |
|   | | |     |-3.  Special Objects on Earth.
|   | | |       |-Inorganic.
|   | | |       | |-Mineralogy a, b, c.
|   | | |       |
|   | | |       |-Organic.
|   | | |         |-Plants.
|   | | |         | |-Botany a, b, c.
|   | | |         |
|   | | |         |-Animals.
|   | | |           |-Zoology a, b, c.
|   | | |           |-Anthropology a, b, c.
|   | | |
|   | | |-Knowledge of Phenomena given to Indiviual Consciousness.
|   | |     |-A.  GENERAL LAWS.
|   | |     |   |-Animal Psychology.
|   | |     |   |-Human psychology.
|   | |     |     |-Individual Ps.
|   | |     |       |-Normal.
|   | |     |       | |-Child.
|   | |     |       | |-Adult.
|   | |     |       |
|   | |     |       |-Abnormal.
|   | |     |
|   | |     |-B.  SPECIAL OBJECTS.
|   | |       |-1.  Mankind.
|   | |       | |-Race Psychology a, b, c.
|   | |       |-2.  Special Functions.
|   | |       | |-Association of Men.
|   | |       |   |-Sociology a, b, c.
|   | |       |
|   | |       |-3.  Special Products of Association of Men
|   | |         |      (considered as natural phenomena).
|   | |         |-Products of Undiffereniated Association of Men
|   | |         | |    (Folk Psychology).
|   | |         | |-Volition.
|   | |         | | |-Morals a, b, c.
|   | |         | | |-Habits a, b, c.
|   | |         | |
|   | |         | |-Thoughts.
|   | |         | | |-Languages a, b, c.
|   | |         | |
|   | |         | |-Appreciation.
|   | |         | | |-Enjoyment a, b, c.
|   | |         | |
|   | |         | |-Belief.
|   | |         |   |-Mythology a, b, c.
|   | |         |
|   | |         |-Products of Individual Differentiation
|   | |           |  (casual phenomenalistic sciences of civilization

Project Gutenberg
Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.