No. Med. Unac’td of Beats. Acc’td Beat. Beats. Final Beat. Average. Group. Five, 12.2% 6.8% 7.1% 7.9% 6.3% Six, 9.2 10.6 6.9 9.7 8.3 Seven, 7.1 5.2 7.9 5.8 3.6 Eight, 12.4 9.5 8.8 9.7 8.0 Ten, 7.5 6.6 7.3 6.8
The averages for the combined, median, unaccented intervals are given separately from those of the final interval, for the reason that the mean variation of the latter is greater in three cases out of five than that of the former, a relation which apparently contradicts what has already been said concerning the sensitiveness to variations which marks the intervals separating rhythmical groups. The reason for this final increase in variation appears when the relative intensities of the series of reactions are considered. They are given in Table LXXX.
No. of Beats. Acc. Beat. Av. Unacc. Final. Pre-final. Five, 1.000 0.543 0.518 0.500 Six, 1.000 0.623 0.608 0.592 Seven, 1.000 0.515 0.544 0.437 Eight, 1.000 0.929 0.949 0.863 Ten, 1.000 0.621 0.640 0.545
In every case the final element is marked by an increase over that which precedes it (see last two columns of table) of the average value for all rhythms of 1.000:0.900; an increase which raises it above the average value of the whole series of preceding unaccented beats in three cases out of five. To this final accentuation the increase in variation is to be attributed. Yet despite the additional element of disturbance due to this increased final stress the average value of the mean variation for this final interval is lower than that of the median unaccented intervals in the ratio (all rhythms combined) of 0.992:1.000.
Turning, then, to Table LXXIX., there is presented, firstly, an excess of variation in the accented element over that of the average unaccented elements in every case but one (the six-beat rhythm in which the values are nearly identical), which for the whole series of rhythms has a value of 1.000:0.794. Secondly, in every completed case (part of the figures in the last rhythm are inadvertently lacking), the average mean variation of the single interval preponderates over that of the total group.
The second form of rhythmical tapping, in which the longer series were beaten out as pairs of equal subgroups, was added in order to determine the quantitative relations of the mean variations for alternate subgroups when such groups were purposely intended, instead of appearing in the form of unconscious modifications of the rhythmical treatment, as heretofore. At the same time the results present an additional set of figures embodying the relations here in question. They are as follows: